WHAT’S NEW (Retiree Pages updates ARCHIVE) Note, the links are not updated, go to the page on this site that the note refers too
- Nov 22, 2023:- A note from :- Shaun McCracken LL764 Retirees Association Sec. Treasurer
Members that want to attend the Retirees 2023 Christmas Lunch (currently about 50 attending, last year we had 75) and renew their Retirees Association membership for 2024 can email me at 2fastbuicks@gmail.com and I will forward the letters containing the forms that they can fill out and enclose $15.00 per head for the Christmas luncheon Dec 6th at the 764 union office in Richmond and $5.00 for membership renewal for 2024.
Thank You - Nov 21, 2023:- Meeting minutes for Nov 01, 2023 updated
- Nov 08, 2023:- Meeting minutes for Nov 01, 2023 added to this page
- Oct 28, 2023:- Infor for Seniors in regards to FRAUD prevention added to this page, see WHAT EVERY OLDER CANADIAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: FRAUD & SCAMS
- Oct 20, 2023:- A note about Cherl Brant and Pawandeep (Paw) Sidhu being in the Oct 2023 IAM 764 SNAG SHEET newsletter, “In Memoriam” section added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 12, 2023:- Meeting minutes for Oct 04, 2023 added to this page
- Oct 02, 2023:- Membership application form for 2024 and Christmas Luncheon info added to this page
- Sept 14, 2023:- Obituary for David Roy Gooch added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Sept 10, 2023:- Retiree Meeting Minutes for Sept 06, 2023 added.
- July 02, 2023:- Obituary for Doriano Domitri – CAT1 Engineer added to Retiree Obituary Page
- June 11, 2023:- Obituary for Andrew Craig Norton added to Retiree Obituary Page and June o7 Retiree Meeting Minutes added
- May 20, 2023:- Obituary for Derrick Irving Gorrill added to Retiree Obituary Page
- May 07, 2023:- May 03, 2023 meeting minutes added to this page, see below
- April 30, 2023:- A note about Rodney Robinson passing added to Retiree Obituary Page
- April 21, 2023:- James (Jim) Walters and Lyal (Lyle) Fahlahan passing mentioned at April 5, Retiree Meeting and Retiree
- April 15:- 2023:- meeting minutes added to Retiree and retiree Obituary Page
- April 14, 2023:- Obituary for Bob Reynolds added to Retiree Obituary page
- Mar 14, 2023:- March meeting minutes and a list of retirees who won the 10 ticket Pin Party Draw
- Mar 03, 2023:- Obituary for Claude Joseph Fournier (Cat. 38) added and note about Roy Stayner (Cat. 38) passing.
- Feb 26, 2023:- note added to meeting calendar about the April Pin Party tickets
- Feb 12, 2023:- Meeting minutes for Feb 1, 2023 Retiree Meeting added
- Jan 28, 2023:- Obituary for Michael Tomlinson (note only) and Reginald ( Reg ) Layden Obituary added to Retiree Obituary page
- Jan 16, 2023:- Obituary for Leslie James Syvret added to Retiree Obituary page
- Jan 05, 2023:- Obituary for Christopher Joseph Wagoner added to Retiree Obituary page
- Dec 31, 2022:- January 4, 2023 Retiree Meeting CANCELLED
- Nov 23, 2022:- Retiree Membership New & Renewal Application form updated and Ronald John Van den Kerkhof added to Retiree Obituary page
- Oct 23, 2022:- A note about Darren Grant & David Pollard who are mentioned in the October 2022 IAM764 Snag Sheet “In Memoriam”
- Oct 13, 2022:- Oct 5 Retiree meeting updated in meeting schedule below.
- Sept 29, 2022:- Obituary for Gunnar (Gunni) Tryggvason added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Sept 28, 2022:- Obituary for David Cooper added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Sept 09, 2022:- Obituary for Douglas Dimitrich Dolmans and Bruce Bell added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Sept 1, 2022:- Sept 7 Retiree meeting updated in meeting schedule below.
- Aug 25, 2022:- Obituary for James “Jim” Robert Austin added to IAM 764 Retiree Obituary page
- Aug 4, 2022:- Obituary for Ronald (Ron) Leslie Dahl added to IAM 764 Retiree Obituary page
- Aug 1, 2022:- Obituary for Douglas Russell Porter added to IAM 764 Retiree Obituary page
- July 5, 2022:- A note in the IAM764 Retiree Page: Mike Ledere & Mark Graham mentioned in the IAM 764 Snag Sheet – June 2022 – IN MEMORIAM
- June 05, 2022:- June 01, 2022 Meeting Minutes & Barbecue added to this page
- May 27, 2022:- A note about Richard Bartel passing away on Monday 23. He was a currently active Cargo Station Attendant, added to retiree Obituary page (Monday May 30 at 1pm at Faith Fellowship Baptist Church 2551 E 49th Ave, Vancouver)
- May 19, 2022:- Retiree “New or Renewal” downloadable Membership application form updated for 2022 (see below)
- April 30, 2022:- A note about the passing of Gillian & George Gordon Tate added to Retiree Obituary Page.
- April 25, 2022:- Obituary for Arthur Orville Ehnes added to Retiree Obituary Page.
- April 08, 2022:- Obituary for Martin S Nagelkop added to Retiree Obituary Page.
- April 01, 2022:- April 06, 2022 meeting update. As per current Covid-19 & its omicron variant, masking is not mandatory but strongly recommended (another wave of COVID on the way). The need for vaccine checks is still on until April 8., (Vaccine proof required) along with the usual protocols for meeting attendance (sign-in contact and temperature testing).
- Feb 21, 2022:- The IAM Retiree Association Monthly Meetings are to resume starting April 06, 2022 at the regular time.
- Feb 19, 2022:- Obituary for Trish Mardon added to Retiree Obituary Page.
- Jan 20, 2022:- Obituary for Erwin Rosenow added to Retiree Obituary Page, also a mention of Walter Greene and KJ Lee
- Dec 18, 2021:- Calendar updated
- Nov 11, 2021:- Obituary for William (Bill) Frank Haaf added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 14, 2021:- Notifications & Obituaries for Larry Quick, Yavinder Sihota, Ramon Laterio & John Robert Gordon Ritchie added to Retiree Obituary page
- Sept 3, 2021:- Obituary for Gordon Petar Bubica added to Retiree Page
- Aug 25, 2021:- there will be no meetings until further notice, we will wait to see if there will be a fourth wave. It is the consent of the Executive that we post pone these meetings
- July 25, 2021:- Notice of passing of Louis Sohar and Obituary for Stanislav (Stan) Tumpach added to Retiree Obituary page.
- April 14, 2021:- Obituary for Czeslawa (Tess) Nowak added to Retiree Obituary Page
- March 9, 2021:- Obituary for Rosanne Blair (Former Technical Data Controller) added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 27, 2021:- Obituaries or passing notices for:- Russell Currie, Mark Andrew Voth, Frank Parr & Frank (Bud) Martin added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 13, 2021:- Obituary for Glenn Dean Girard added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 1, 2021:- Recording Secretary-Al Watson & Conductor/Sentinel-Colin Iverson email addresses updated
- Dec 31, 2020:- Obituary for Daniel Joseph (DJ) Carroll added to Retiree obituary Page.
- Oct 11, 2020:- William Chickak funeral video supplied by Williams Daughter added to Williams Obituary Notice on the Retiree Obituary page
- Sept 18, 2020:- Obituary for William Chichak
- Sept 17, 2020:- Obituary for Charles W Burgess added to Retiree Obituary page.
- Sept 17, 2020:- The IAM764 Retiree Association Executive Board has decided to cancel the remaining Retiree Meetings for 2020 & the Christmas Party on account of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Hopefully January 2021 will be the next meeting, if possible.
- Aug 30, 2020:- The IAM764 Retiree Association Executive Board has decided to cancel the September meeting on account of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- July 22, 2020:- Obituary Notice for Fred I Himmelbaur & Erwin Aichinger added to the Retiree Obit Page, as well as a note about William Chichak (Bill)
- May 30, 2020:- Obituary Notice for Harvey Haverstock & Ross Becker, and a mention of Clancy Robinson (May 2020 IAM 764 Snag Sheet) added to the Retiree Obituary page
- May 27, 2020:- The IAM764 Retiree Association Executive Board has decided to cancel the June short meeting then BBQ on account of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- May 4, 2020:- Obituary Notice for Earl Gunder Cleven (CPA Accessory Shop) added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- May 2, 2020:- The IAM764 Retiree Association Executive Board has decided to cancel the May meeting on account of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- March 17, 2020:- The IAM764 Retiree Association Executive Board has decided to cancel the April meeting on account of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
- March 12, 2020:- Obituary for Robert Wesley (Buck) Rogers added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 12, 2020:- Meeting Schedule updated
- Dec 15, 2019:- Obituaries & info added to Retiree Obituary Page for:- Ceferina De Villa, Janet Frayatt & James Ternan (names found in Nov 2019 IAM Snag Sheet)
- Nov 24, 2019:-A note from Financial Secretary Shaun McCracken.
The Retirees Xmas luncheon has about 80 people coming so far. I’ve picked up all mail entries RSVP’s at the union office on the deadline 22 Nov. So I think we have an accurate count. We are planning for 90 so there’s a little space for late comers. I’ll pick up the mail again on the Hall Xmas party decoration day Dec 3 a day before the Luncheon for any late mailers.
Members or past members are requested to email me or Al Watson (Recording Secretary) with change of address or email to update our members list.
I’ll have a list at the Xmas luncheon as well for attendees to correct their info or draw attention to members on the list that have moved or passed away.
Please notify:- Shaun McCracken:- 2fastbuicks@telus.net or Al Watson:- marilyn.watson@shaw.ca any changes. - Nov 22, 2019:- The January 2020 meeting will be Wednesday January 8, 2020.
- Oct 3, 2019:- Membership Application Form for 2020 added to this page, see below
- Oct 2, 2019:- Obituary for James O’Connel added to the Retiree Obituary Page.
- Sept 18, 2019:- The Events Schedule was updated with The Pin Party & Christmas Party Information, see below
- Sept 6, 2019:- an update to Geoff Heide’s Obituary:- A Celebration of Life for Geoff Heide will be held on September 21st @ 1:00 PM Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel, 7551 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC V6X 1A3
- Sept 3, 2019:- Notice:- The LL764 wants all retiree members to update their mailing addresses for their records and the 2019 Long Service Pin Party , invitation mail-outs. (and future events)
All IAM Retirees are asked to email, call or mail address changes to us or contact info from members they know that may have moved and have not informed us.
We want long Service members that qualify for a service pin early so that the LL764 can get Grand lodge to make the appropriate Year gold pins for the event.
Also for members who know of members that have passed away, please notify the Retiree Recording Secretary Al Watson, (marilyn.watson@shaw.ca) for acknowledgement at our meetings. - Aug 16, 2019:- The obituary for Ron Seligman and Al McBain updated on thr Retiree Obituary Page
- Aug 2, 2019:- Obituary for Geoffrey Michael Heide added to Retiree Obituary Page (Also on this Website’s Home page)
- July 30, 2019:- Obituary for John Lenard added to Retiree Obituary, as well as a note about the recent passing of Ron Seligman and Al McBain, more info will be added for them, when it is available.
- July 27, 2019:- Obituary for Jack Crerar (Passed March 31, 2019) added to Retiree Obituary Page
- May 1, 2019:- Executive Board listing changed due to due to Bro. Wainwright stepping down as ST LL764 Retirees, and Bro. Shaun McCracken has been nominated and elected by the Retiree Meeting May 01 to replace him. Bro. Al Watson has been nominated and elected to replace Bro McCracken as RS LL764 Retirees. Both elections fill the remainder of the terms to the end of 2019. All of this is effective May 01,2019.
- April 25, 2019:- The announcement of the passing of our Pionairs member, Alan Rust added to the Retiree Obituary page.
- David Wilson deceased:- Mentioned in the March 2019 IAM 764 SNAG Sheet, “In Memoriam” Note added to Retiree Obituary Page
- March 7, 2019:- The Obituary for Jack Whelan added to Retiree Obituary Page (note:- celebration of Jack’s life is Saturday, March 9th at 2 pm at Harris Barn, 4140 Arthur Drive, Ladner.)
- March 7, 2019:- The Retiree Annual Christmas Luncheon has been moved back 1 week to Dec 3 – 10:00 A.M. for the Decorating & setup and the Christmas Party Luncheon to Dec 4, 2019 – 11:00 A.M, to accomodate a IAM scheduling change request.
- March 5, 2019:- Art Kube ‘s passing Feb10 2019. He was a great friend to labor and the IAM especially. He often attended
our meeting to update us on Pensioners issues with the Government, services available to us and many other issues. His obituary is on the Retiree Obituary Page - March 1, 2019:- Kamri Adatua & Orlando Magbanna (Air Canada Maintenance) are mentioned in the February 2019 IAM764 Snag Sheet, and the the Obituary for George Scarinci (update), Bob Wilson McLean and Orville Victor Boardman added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 16, 2019:- The memorial services for George Scarinci and the Death notice for Brother James Singh (Cargo) added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 3, 2019:- (Note:- The Retirees exec. has encountered a scheduling problem for the 9th, as the Union Hall is in use for Negotiations that day, therefore the January meeting is CANCELLED. The Retiree Exec apologizes for the mix-up)
- Dec 29, 2018:- The Lodge 764 Retirees exec. has decided to move the Jan meeting from Jan 2 to Jan 9th as Jan 2 is too close to the busy time for all, the 9th might be more convenient.
- Dec 29, 2018:- The Lodge 764 Retirees exec. has decided to move the Jan meeting from Jan 2 to Jan 9th as Jan 2 is too close to the busy time for all, the 9th might be more convenient.
- Oct 31, 2018:- The Obituary for Andrew Boleslaw Zorawski added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 25, 2018:- Celebration of life for Arnie Krezanski and a note about Ray Schwab added to the Retiree Obituary Page.
- Oct 18, 2018:- Celebration of Life Memorial for Brother Dirk Stein note added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 5, 2018:- Membership Application Form updated for 2019 (see below in page)
- Sept 5, 2018:- Obituary for William Barr McPherson added to Retiree Obituary Page
- July 2, 2018:- Obituary for James Aisaican-Chase added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- June 22, 2018:- Obituary for Sydney (Syd) George Roberts & Lorne Garth Honeybourne added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- June 21, 2018:- Obituary for Evelyn (Eve) Weimer added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- June 21, 2018:- Telephone Number for Vice-President, David Varnes added to the Executive Board listing on this page.
- March 28, 2018:- Obituary for Mark Tranter and a note about Stephen Chow CP/AC passing away added to Retiree Obituary Page
- March 7, 2018:- President Al Watson has resigned for personal reasons & Diane Bjornson is now the President and David Varnes is the Vice President.
- Feb 1, 2018:- Obituary for Ron Hoffman (formerly CAIL ) added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 30, 2018:- Jan 2018 Snag Sheet, In Memorian, Brothers, Albin BOSTANJIC, Gord SWANSON, John TWELLS added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 3, 2018:- Obituary for Ron Smith (formerly CAIL) added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Dec 30, 2017:- Retiree Meeting Schedule updated for 2018
- Dec 18, 2017:- The Obituary for Terence William (Terry) Deane added to the Retiree Obituary Page.
- Dec 7, 2017:- The Obituary for Daniela Maria Zalunardo & a note about John Horn added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 20, 2017:- The Obituary for Malcolm Alexander Mackay & Ferdinando, D’Onofrio added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 16, 2017:- Retirees Travel Info Webpage updated (Pionairs info updated)
- Oct 22, 2017:- The Obituary for Waltraud (Vi) Moewes and Rae Kwon added to the Re
- Oct 4, 2017:- A note about Licensed Aircraft Technician Rae Kwon added to the Retiree Obituary Page, the Retiree Membership application form updated for year 2018 and a Christmas Party Luncheon, December 13, 2016, Registration form added) see below.
- Sept 21, 2017:- A link to a Travelling With Diabetes Guide added to the Retiree Travel Page (bottom of page)
- Sept 21, 2017:- Obituary for Verne Colin Cameron (Verne was the IAM764 Retiree Association Pension & Interline Advisor) added to the Retiree Obituary page
- Sept 6, 2017:- Obituary for Andrew Ian James Herron added to Retiree Obituary Page
- July 30, 2017:- The District Bulletin 46 is posted on the Main Lodge 764 Union page. I copied it here for Retiree convenience, plus added a couple other info sources on this matter:-
District Bulletin 46 – AIR CANADA MEMBERS ACTIVE & RETIRED TRAVEL PASSESAs you may have heard, the Flight Attendants’ Union (CUPE) has filed a grievance concerning Air Canada’s decision to provide B1 travel passes to the pilots. CUPE’s grievance is based on promises alleged to have been made by the Company to CUPE’s Bargaining Committee in 2011 that the Company had no intention of giving to one group of employees superior travel benefits over another group. Read Bulletin here…https://www.iam764.ca/upload/2017/BULLETIN%20046.pdfAs a note there is also Group named AIR CANADA SAVE OUR SENIORITY
(Website:- https://www.aircanada-sos.com/) and they have information on this matter.
They also have a “closed” Facebook Group Page at:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1027818350629700/
A Facebook account is required to view their Group on Facebook, also to read their comments etc, you must first join their Group.Another Group, the AC PIONEERS (Website:- https://www.pionairs.ca/) have their own position on this matter
& they too require a membership & logon to view their comments & position. - July 23, 2017:- Obituary for Andrew William Johan Moffat added to Retiree Obituary Page
- July 17, 2017:- A Note about Shalom Soorany passing away July 15, 2017. He was a Retired Accessory Mechanic for CPA & AC added to Retiree Obituary page
- July 16, 2017:- Obituary for Bernard Allardyce added to Retiree Obituary page (an update)
- July 15, 2017:- A Note that Bernard Allardyce – Air Canada Cargo – passed away on July 3, 2017, added to Retiree Obituary page
- June 7, 2017:- Obituary for Samuel Torresani (February 2, 1940 – May 28, 2017), Alan John (August 1, 1947 – May 26, 2017) , Mushtaq Ahmad – MTU – (June 5, 2017), Tony Cathersides, – Air Canada – (June 5, 2017) added to Retiree Obituary Page
- May 5, 2017:- Obituary for Jurgen Heinz Peter & Martin (Marty) Tucker added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 20, 2017:- Obituary for Michael and Diane Jarvis and a note about Wade Mittlestead added to the Retiree Obituary Page.
- Feb 8, 2017:- Obituary for Robert James Thompson added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 19, 2017:- Obituary for Rod Siegler added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 15, 2017:- Obituary for Kenneth (Ken) Wayne Akins added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 4, 2017:- Executive Board for 2017 & Meeting Schedule updated
- Nov 27, 2016:- Obituary for David Bastien added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 23, 2016:- Obituary for David P Molto added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 30, 2016:- Obituary for Alan A. Williams added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 17, 2016:- Obituary for Miklos (Michael) Csupak added to Retiree Obituary Page (Mike worked in the YVR Accessory Shop
- Oct 6, 2016:- Membership Application updated for 2017. See link on this page
- Aug 17, 2016:- Obituary for Paul Carr added to Retiree Obituary page
- Aug 14, 2016:- Obituary for Edward “Ted” Preece added to Retiree Obituary page
- June 16, 2016:- Obituary for Carman Teed added to Retiree Obituary page. Chris Shadeo & Clayton Gourley are mentioned “in Memoriam” the June 2016 IAM Snag Sheet Newsletter. As of June 16, I could not find an Obituary for either Brothers.
- March 30, 2016:- Obituary for Theodore (Fred) Dawydiak added to Retiree Obituary Page
- March 29, 2016:- Subject: retiree travel benefits petition https://www.change.org/p/jacques-levesque-we-petition-the-leadership-to-act-on-our-behalf?recruiter=68821424&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=autopublish&utm_term=mob-xs-share_petition-reason_msg N.B. in the Signature Section under Street Address, please replace the address details with: Employee/Membership No: ________ / Status _______ (State Which Applies; Active, Retired or Dependent e.g. AC012345 / Active). Dependents should list the Employee/Membership No/Status of the person they are related to/dependant on. ID details will not be published online but will, when delivered to the recipients for signature validity and to maintain the integrity of this important petition.
- Feb 25, 2016:- The Obituary for Ron Keras, published in the Vancouver Sun Newspaper Feb 25, 2016 added to Retiree Obituary Page, along with the previous announcement Feb 23, 2016.
- Feb 23, 2016:- The Announcement of a Celebration of life for Ron Keras (Arbitrator, former IAM member and Executive of Local Lodge 764 and District Lodge 721) September 8, 1948 – February 20, 2016) added to the Retiree obituary page
- Feb 7, 2016:- Retiree Meeting Schedule updated
- Feb 4, 2016:- Obituary for Steve István Hegyes added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 22, 2016:- Obituary for Brian Edwin Hannah added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 12, 2016:- Note about Norman (Ernie) Chudley passing, added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 6, 2016:- Obituary for Clifford Garnet Cox added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 24, 2015:- Obituary for Joe Carline added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 6, 2015:- Obituary for Wally Hung Shiu Ng added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 26, 2015:- note added to Retiree Obituary Page about Hilmer Anderson
- Oct 21, 2015:- Obituary for Dennis Kennedy added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 15, 2015:- A note about the passing of Albert Moncion added to Obituary Page and the broken links on the Retiree Travel info page fixed
- Sept 30, 2015:- The hyperlinks on the Retiree pages updated
- Sept 18, 2015:- Obituary for Edward Myer and note about Bob Lozinski passing added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Sept 14, 2015:- Obituary for Nathaniel Augustine Doucette added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Sept 2, 2015:- News:- The Retirees, Community and Membership Services Department has added the Veterans
Service Program to the Department, see HEALTH, SAFETY, and BENEFITS WEBSITES below for more info - Sept 2, 2015:- Obituary for Geza (Jerry) Szabo, Hugh David Willie & note about Visaka S Mand added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Aug 21, 2015:- Obituary for Harry (Henry) McGinn added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Aug 19, 2015:- Obituary for Robert Bruce Rogers & note about Geoff Turrell added to Retiree Obituary Page
- July 17, 2015:- Obituary for Henning Andreassen add to Retiree Obituary Page
- July 2, 2015:- Obituary for Sandra “Sandy” Gladys Stirling added to Retiree Obituary Page (Sandy worked in Maintenance as an Administrator and Records Control Clerk at Transair in Winnipeg, PWA in Calgary and Canadian Airlines in Vancouver prior to retiring in Calgary
- June 12, 2015:- Obituary for Doug Lieb added to Retiree Obituary Page
- June 3, 2015:- Obituary for Conrad Francisco added to Retiree Obituary Page
- May 14, 2015:- Obituary for Gerry Epp, Francis Hingston & Michael “Mic” Jones added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 15, 2015:- Obituary for Norm Stannard added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 7, 2015:- Obituary for Rodney H Galpin & Ian Clifford added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 3, 2015:- Obituary for David William Oxley (Edmonton location) added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 1, 2015:- Notice of two Deaths, Duncan Fischer, on Sunday, January 25, 2015 and Tom Hamilton on 30 Jan, 2015 added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 15, 2015:- Obituary for Robb Marsden added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 5, 2015:- Monthly meeting schedule updated
- Dec 28, 2014:- Memorial Service notice for Al Halischuk added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 12, 2014:- YVR Dreamliner Visit – Further Information
We can now confirm from the Air Canada Daily notice of 10 October 2014 , that up to five visitors may accompany each employee / retiree:
For both events, employees are welcome to bring up to five guests (a party of six including the employee). Employees will be required to show Air
Canada I.D. to enter the event; if your guests will be arriving at different times, they need to show a photo copy of your Air Canada I.D. to be
The usual protocol at the YVR OPS Centre is for the employee / retiree to surrender their ID for a Visitor Pass and exchange same on the way out.
Thanks , Brian Colgan, Pionairs District Director , Vancouver http://www.pionairs.ca/ - Nov 12, 2014:- AIR CANADA, B787 DREAMLINER VISIT TO YVR
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014Time: 13:00 hrs – 19:00 hrs
Location: YVR OPS Center, North Hanger Bay 3-4
Please bring your Employee/ Retiree ID
Air Canada Security has confirmed that there will be limited open space parking around the OPS Centre. Suggest you place a note on your dashboard indicating (Air Canada Retiree visit for B787)
Should use Bridgeport Station or Airport parking and take the Canada Line back to the OPS Centre.
Submitted By: Brian Colgan, Pionairs District Director – YVR http://www.pionairs.ca/ - Oct 1, 2014:- Obituary of John “Jack” McCaffrey added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Aug 20, 2014:- Obituary of David George Graham and Anne Lema added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Aug 3, 2014:- Obituary of Albertus JORDAN added to Retiree Obituary Page
- July 3, 2014:- an Opt-In request has been sent out to current Retiree email subscribers. The New Federal Anti-Spam Legislation has required us to do it to be in compliance. If any IAM764 Retiree wishes to be on the Email list there is a link below under Retiree Newsletter. The emails you will receive will be meeting reminders & the occasional email pertaining to Retirees.
- June 24, 2014:- News of Celebration of Life for Jordan MacDonald added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- May 8, 2014:- Obituary of Arthur James,Moore added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- May 8, 2014:- Names mentioned at the Retiree monthly meeting May 7, 2014:- Gordon J Haddon, Gerry C Jones, Harold C Vaughn, Douglas H. Reid, and Dorothy Woodcock. I could not find their Obituaries in the Vancouver Sun Obituary section (Canada search) as of May 8, 2014
- April 11, 2014:- On this page, the Executive Board and Miscellaneous Position list is updated for 2014
- March 6, 2014:- Retiree Meeting Minutes added to list, see below
- Feb 21, 2014:- Retiree Minutes for Feb 5 added to list, see below
- Feb 7, 2014:- Retirees Travel Info Webpage updated, added more info for clarity (AC Travel Site & AC Portal)
- Feb 5, 2014:- Retirees Travel Info Webpage updated by adding info about accessing Air Canada Active & Retired Employee Travel Websites
- Feb 2, 2014:- Obituary of Kenneth Edward Bjorge added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Dec 4, 2013:- November 2013 Retiree Meeting Minutes added to list and Obituary of William Edward (Ted) Gillings added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Nov 6, 2013:- Obituary Notice for Peter Cogill added to the Retiree Obituary Page and the 2014 Meeting Schedule updated, plus The BC Federation of Retired Union Members – BC FORUM website link added to this page.
- Nov 2, 2013:- Obituary notice for Ted Walton and George Bryce Lewis added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 10, 2013:- Notice received via email today, re “Alberta Aviation Museum Assoc Info – Closure of YXD Airport and Serious Consequences for the Museums” you may have heard, the City intends to close the last runway November 30th and immediately tear up the runways, taxiways, etc. And the City refuses to let us expand our boundaries as we thought they would. As a result, there is insufficient room for the Museum to keep the PWA 737, so it is important to fly it out sometime in November. At the moment it looks like, with considerable assistance from Canadian North, the aircraft will be flown to Villeneuve Additionally, restrictions to our operations, imposed by the City, could see the Restoration Dept., the Cadets, and most of the other organizations in the hangar forced out, making it very difficult for the Museum to operate in a solvent manner. It is time to let the public know what effect the Cities actions will have on us, so a public awareness event is planned for Saturday, October 12th from 11:00 to 2:00 PM. There will be a fly-in of light aircraft and the 737 will be opened to the public. This will be the last time the public will have access to #745 for a long time, perhaps forever. So all members of the PWA family are invited to join us next Saturday. Group photos will be taken from about 2:00 to 2:30 (bring your cameras!) Lets have a good turnout and let the City know what we think of their plans. If you wore a uniform, and it still fits, please wear it. If you are not a Museum member, admission is free for this event, but please bring some I.D. or something to identify yourselves at the admission desk. Pass the word around to those who do not have e-mail.
See you on the 12th! Two Documents attached to the email 1) Call to action letter that is to be distributed.pdf and 2) Commemorative Fly In to museum letter to members.pdf
The Museum website is at:- http://albertaaviationmuseum.com/ - Oct 5, 2013:- Retiree Membership Renewal Form updated for 2014.
- Sept 29, 2013:- Our Christmas party will have to happen on Dec 4, 2013 due to the elections. NOT Dec 11, 2013 July 8, 2013:- Obituary notice for Gordon Ross Bartell added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- June 9, 2013:- Obituary notice for SCHMITT, Noreen Olive December 17, 1942 – June 2, 2013 http://https://www.iam764.ca/upload/2013/MemoriamNoreenSchmitt08June2013.pdf
- May 30, 2013:- LL764 has a variety of electronic and furniture goods that have been declared surplus.They are being offered on a “sealed bid” basis to the membership.
Bids close on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at 0800 hours sharp. PDF file of items for sale is here - May 30, 2013:- Former PWA employees may like to know that there is a Celebration of Life for Don Watson which will be held:
Saturday 15 June – 1300 – 1600
Harbour Air – seaplane hangar
4760 Inglis Drive, Richmond, BC
Across from Beaver restaurant – south side of the airfield, A Fly-by tribute to Don has been arranged for 1330. - Feb 7, 2013:- new website link Star Alliance Employees Portal http://www.starallianceemployees.com/home.html added to this page & http://https://www.iam764.ca/retirees/retirees3.aspx
- Feb 6, 2013:- The Meeting Calendar has been updated and a few new website links added to this page, indicated by New!
- Jan 10, 2013:- An update to the event time for J.A. (Tony) Fernandes added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 8, 2013:- An update to the location for J.A. (Tony) Fernandes added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 2, 2013:- 3 Obituaries (Rui (Roy) Fernando Fragoso, Steve Reynolds & Glen William Delaney added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 1, 2013:- one Death notice for J.A. (Tony) Fernandes added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Dec 19, 2012:- One Death notice for Robert Hawkins added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Dec 18, 2012:- One Obituary & one Death Notice added to Retiree Obituary Page (Kennedy & Hodge)
- Nov 19, 2012:- Note from Al Watson our Retiree President:- We just closed off the Xmas party list with 105 people coming. At the next meeting I will remind everyone about the Food Bank, Need for volunteers for setting up and taking down the tables and decorations for the Christmas party and to bring something for the desert table or a door prize. Nov 17, 2012:- UPDATE:- The celebration will be Dec 1 2012 at 2:30 in the afternoon at the Promontory Lake Clubhouse. 6001 Promontory Road, Sardis, B.C. V2R 3E3.
If you are planning on making it to the celebration please call Ann Arnold at 1-604-824-9082 - Nov 8, 2012:- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:- VICIC, Aleksandar and ARNOLD, Bill
- Oct 23, 2012:- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:– EDWARDS, Jim (Known to his friends at work as “Jungle Jim”)
- Sept 3, 2012:- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:– SVEINUNGSEN, Jerry O.
- Sept 2, 2012:- link to ASU’s Trip Check added to travel links page
- June 5, 2012:- AVEOS REUNION BAR-B-Q We (Non Retirees) have planned a picnic/bar-b-q for June 23rd at Deas Island regional park. We have reserved the picnic area from 2 to 9:30 pm. We are asking everyone to donate a toonie to cover the cost of the reservation. If you have a portable bar-b-q or a pop up shelter (in case of rain) that you wouldn’t mind bringing that would be great. If everyone could bring whatever they would like on the grill for themselves, and maybe a side dish to share. We do not have a liquor license, so if you are planning to bring anything to drink, please be VERY discreet!! Amanda will be posting on facebook later today and if we forward on this e-mail to our contacts we should be able to get the word out.
If you google “deas island regional park ” you can get directions from their website. The park is located near the massey tunnel.
If you need more info please contact me at siewertfamily4@hotmail.com . We would also like a quick email to this address as well to indicate if you can make it. Retirees are Welcome to attend the picnic - May 31, 2012:- The Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of British Columbia (COSCO) National Conference “The Joys & Tears of living Longer” Conference October 1 – 2, 2012, Richmond, B.C
Their Website:- http://coscobc.ca/ and the Conference poster in PDF format - May 30, 2012:- PWA Employee Alumni Reunion Party, June 30, 2012. Details at http://pwareunion.com/yvr.htm or their Flyer in PDF format
- May 10, 2012:- 4 sites added to this page:- The Canadian Centre for Elder Law (“CCEL”), BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support, Office of the Assisted Living Registrar British Columbia and SeniorsBC.ca Home and Community Care (HCC) services
- April 29, 2012:- Obituaries added to Retiree Obituary Page:– DESMOND, John, JOY, John and GILES, Wilfred (Wilf) Woodhouse
- April 12, 2012 :- May Retiree Meeting changed back to May 2, from the May 9th date
- March 17, 2012 :- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:– SAITO, Toshimi, April 18, 1938 – February 27, 2012
- March 14, 2012:- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:– RODRIGUES, Richard Ian Charles April 7, 1958 – March 11, 2012
- March 7, 2012:- Meeting date on Meeting schedule changed to Sept 6 from Sept 5, 2012 and Nov 15 added.
- Feb 23, 2011:- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:– MACMILLAN, Lillian M, May 1, 1928 – February 1, 2011
- Dec 16, 2011:- Link to Senior airfare, How and where senior travelers can save on the Retiree Travel Page
- Dec 11, 2011:- link to the The Government of Canada Information and Services for Seniors added
- Dec 9, 2011:- 2012 (1) meeting schedule updated and (2) elected Executive listing for 2012 updated. (3) Newsletter from COSCO was mentioned at the Dec Retiree meeting To read the COSCO 4thth Quarter newsletter go to their Website at http://coscobc.ca/ or directly to the PDF file on the Retiree Site at here
- Nov 7, 2011:- Obituaries added to Retiree Obituary Page:– TOMLINSON, James Fred, ALLCROFT, Clifford, MENNIFIELD, R
- Oct 27, 2011:- A new section added to the page:- “ACTIVISM – Various issues” the startup link is The BC Health Coalition
- Oct 5, 2011:- The newsletter from COSCO was mentioned at todays meeting. It has an article about COSCO lobbying for action to scrap Medical Services Plan premiums for all seniors. To read to full story, go to their Website at http://coscobc.ca/ or directly to the PDF file http://coscobc.ca/index.php/download_file/view/123/1/ I will archive the PDF here in case COSCO removes it for a more current newsletter.
John Martin & Jeffery Sampson added to Retiree Obituary Page - Sept 22, 2011:- Obituary added to Retiree Obituary Page:- PHILPOTT, Wayne Scott
- Sept 19, 2011:- Obituaries added to Retiree Obituary Page:– TAYLOR, Ken D., GRUNERUD, Kenneth E, MAYNE, Henry C, MILLER, Todd Jeffrey , SOLLITT, Gary, LESIK, John.
Meeting Schedule added to page & note about Christmas party added - May 8, 2011:- Travel page updated with 4 new Cruise Ship Websites
- May 6, 2011:- Obituaries added to Retiree Obituary Page:– SIEGLER, Hans, BERGEN, Kenneth John, LIEBRECHT, Ed, GILMOUR, Samuel John, KELLINGHUSEN, Gerhard
Retirees Website Representative:-
Bob Daniel
Ph# 604-946-0614
Email:- retireewebmaster@iam764.ca