The Lodge 764 Retirees Association was established in March 1994 to provide a safe and friendly meeting place for retired IAM Lodge 764 members.
Items of interest to be discussed are Pensions, Social Events, News of ill or deceased Retirees and any business of benefit to active Lodge 764 Members.
To view the Minutes of the first meeting go to Retiree Meeting Minutes1.pdf & Retiree Meeting Minutes2.pdf .
WHATS NEW (previous updates can be viewed here, on a separate page)
- Mar 11, 2025:- March o5, 2025 Retiree Meeting minutes added to this page.
- Mar 05, 2025:- Obituary for Albert (Abby) Gordon Edward Sones added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 11, 2025:- Feb 05, 2025 Retiree Meeting Minutes added to this page
- Feb 08, 2025:- Obituary for Cornelis Marinus Stolk (Carl) who passed away August 22, 2024 added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 21, 2025:- Bulletin – Brother Christopher Hiscock Passing January 19, 2025, more info on the Retiree Obituary page
- Jan 18, 2025:- Retiree Obituary page updated to add the Obituary for Paul Martin Pelletreau
- Jan 16, 2025:- a note added to the Retiree Meeting Minutes list about the 2024 Christmas Luncheon on this page
- Jan 16, 2025:- Obituary for Glenn Robert Takach added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Jan 10, 2025:- Note about District 250 Business Rep, Paul Pelletreau Mass January 22, 2025, added to Retiree Obituary Page.
- Dec 18, 2024:- Retiree Membership Application form updated for 2025
- Dec 14, 2024:- January 01, 2025 meeting falls on New Year’s day and the executive committee has cancelled this meeting and the next meeting will be February 05, 2025
- Nov 11, 2024, Meeting Minutes for Nov 06, 2024 added to this page
- Nov 07, 2024:- Notice of a Celebration of Life for Dave Moir added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- Oct 11, 2024:- Obituary for Guenther Heinz Motzek added to Obituary Page
- Oct 09, 2024:- Meeting Minutes for Oct 02, 2024 added to this page
- Aug 23, 2024:- The Retiree September 4, 2024 meeting CANCELLED (our Vice President & President are not able to attend)
- Aug 22, 2024:- Obituary for Glen Sheardown added to Obituary Page
- July 18, 2024:- Obituary for Neil Robert Wood added to Obituary Page
- June 24, 2024:- Details for Brother Joe Toth’s Celebration of Life added to Retiree Obituary Page
- June 19, 2024:- Info about Brother Joe Toth passing, (Oct 13 1967 – June 12, 2024) added to the Retiree Obituary Page
- June 07, 2024:- Meeting minutes for June 05, 2924 meeting added to this page and Obituary for John Lorne Coleman added to the Retiree Obituary page.
- May 05, 2024:- Meeting Minutes for May 01, 2024 meeting added to this page.
- April 22, 2024:- Obituary for Weldon Lawrence (Laurie) Taylor added to Retiree Obituary Page
- April 06, 2024:- The section WHAT EVERY OLDER CANADIAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: FRAUD & SCAMS on this page updated with new links
- April 06, 2024:- Meeting Minutes for the April 03, 2024 added to this page.
- April 06, 2024:- From: Laura Sharpe, Sent: Wednesday, April 3, 2024 12:08 PM, Subject: RE: Pin Party 2024.Retirees,Just a follow up to todays meeting. Fortunately, and unfortunately, we have had a much larger response to the Pin Party this year. The room we booked usually holds 70. Our numbers are at 72. (without retirees ). Hazelmere can reconfigure the room to hold 82 absolute maximum so there is not enough space for the 9 retirees awarded tickets to bring a spouse. Please make sure the 9 members on your list are advised.
The retirees are still welcome, but max is the nine tickets awarded and no accompanying guests. This obviously does not apply to the Retirees who are receiving awards and received their own invite.
Next year I will book the larger room, but that is not an option for this event.ThanksLaura
Laura Sharpe
Social committee chair
IAM&AW, Local Lodge 764
7980 River Rd,
Richmond, BC V6X 1X7
cell- 604-992-4483 - April 06, 2024:- Addendum to the March 03, 2024 Retiree news.
From:- Laura Sharpe
Social committee chair
IAM&AW, Local Lodge 764
7980 River Rd,
Richmond, BC V6X 1X7
cell- 604-992-4483
Email – lsharpe@iam764.caGrand Lodge sends the list to me every year, which I cannot adjust. If someone thinks they are missing a pin, please contact myself. I have pins and certificates going back several years and may be able to send them to the retiree. Christy has nothing to do with Pin Party.Dave Marshall can check status of retirees, usually if someone didn’t get an invite, we have the wrong address.Thanks, Laura - March 10, 2024:- Meeting minutes for March 06 meeting added to this page
- March 03, 2024:- Retiree members that should get a IAM Service “pin” this year at the Pin Party April 27th (and an invite to the pin party by mail) to email 764 Rec. sec. Christy Slauenwhite (cristys@iam764.ca ) to ensure that they are invited and are present.
The requirements are that the IAM member has completed the eligibility requirement (eg 25 years) and will be awarded the 25 year pin the FOLLOWING year at the Pin Party in April. The member should include his or her IAM union # eg. AR 001234 and start date and years of service. The pins are requested by LL764 according to their records, for our members but it’s Grand Lodge that produces them. They must know how many to make and for whom. Every year we seem to get complaints of long-term members that have been forgotten. ALSO, LL 764 must know your current address in order to mail the invitation to you.
The Retiree Recording Secretary-Alan Watson and Financial Secretary-Shaun McCracken are doing their best to update our address list but it all depends on Members to keep us informed with Retirees membership annual renewals and any other time they have a change to the contact information. - Feb 17, 2024:- Obituary for Elisabeth Elsie MUREN added to Retiree Obituary Page
- Feb 12, 2024:- Executive Board & Committee Member list updated, Ken Kunz Obit added to retiree Obituary Page, meeting Minutes for Feb 07, 2024 added to this page.
- Jan 08, 2024:- Meeting Minutes for Jan 3, 2024 added to this page
- Jan 1, 2024:- Meeting schedule updated for 2024
- Nov 22, 2023:- A note from :- Shaun McCracken LL764 Retirees Association Sec. Treasurer
Members that want to attend the Retirees 2023 Christmas Lunch (currently about 50 attending, last year we had 75) and renew their Retirees Association membership for 2024 can email me at 2fastbuicks@gmail.com and I will forward the letters containing the forms that they can fill out and enclose $15.00 per head for the Christmas luncheon Dec 6th at the 764 union office in Richmond and $5.00 for membership renewal for 2024.
Thank You - Oct 28, 2023:- Info for Seniors in regards to FRAUD prevention added to this page, see WHAT EVERY OLDER CANADIAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT: FRAUD & SCAMS
Our meetings are held at Lodge 764 meeting room, on the 1st Wednesday of every month except July and August, at 10:00 am; coffee and donuts at 9:30 am. Address:- 7980 River Road, Richmond, BC. Tel (604) 273-9668.
- RETIREES meeting minutes Mar 05, 2025
- RETIREES meeting minutes Feb 05, 2025
- Jan 01, 2025:- January meeting falls on New Year’s day and the executive committee has cancelled this meeting
- The LL764 Retirees Association held its Annual Christmas Luncheon for members and guests at the Lodge Hall on Wednesday, December 04, 2024 at 1100 hours. Info about the event is in the IAM764 January 2025 Snag sheet
https://www.iam764.ca/upload/snagsheet/SnagSheetJan2025web.pdf - Dec 04, 2024 meeting cancelled due to December Christmas Party
- RETIREES meeting minutes Nov 06, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes Oct 02, 2024
- Sept 04, 2024 meeting cancelled (our Vice President & President are not able to attend)
- No meeting July & August, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes June 05, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes May 01, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes April 03, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes Mar 6 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes Feb 7, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes Jan 3, 2024
- RETIREES meeting minutes Nov 1, 2023
- RETIREES meeting minutes Oct 04, 2023
- RETIREES meeting minutes Sept 6, 2023
- RETIREES meeting minutes June 07, 2023
- RETIREES meeting minutes May 03, 2023
- RETIREES meeting minutes April 5, 2023
- RETIREES meeting minutes Mar 1, 2023 of lodge 764 and Lodge pin party draw (Retiree list) Mar 11 2023
- RETIREES-Meeting-Minutes-Feb 1, 2023.pdf
- Jan 2023 (Meeting Cancelled)
- Dec, 2022 (not provided)
- RETIREES-Meeting-Minutes-Nov-2-2022.pdf
- RETIREES-Meeting-Minutes-Oct-5-2022-revised-Oct-10.pdf
- RETIREES-Meeting-Minutes-Sept-7-corrected-Sept-8-2022.pdf
- RETIREES-Meeting-Minutes-June-1-2022.pdf
- RETIREES-Meeting-Minutes-May-4-2022 (updated)
It was indicated at a recent Retiree meeting that an email sent to members to remind them of the next meeting would be useful, so the email address of members who included their address on the Membership application / renewal form was added to the IAM 764 Retiree mail list. There is a provision in the email to Unsubscribe, if you do not wish to receive further emails from the IAM 764 Retiree Association
The email notice of meeting would be sent out 2 or 3 days before the monthly meeting day.
There may be other emails if deemed necessary by the Retiree Executive Board, such as event notices.
If you are currently NOT receiving the newsletter or wish to receive a monthly meeting reminder, you may subscribe to the newsletter by clicking this link:- Meeting Reminder Subscription
EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR 2025 POSITION------------NAME------------PHONE NUMBER--EMAIL ADDRESS President-----------Diane Bjornson--604-427-1648----big-red-6@hotmail.com Cell# 778-551-6881---- Vice-President------David Varnes----604-275-8971----dvarnes66@gmail.com Cell# ???-???-???? Recording Secretary-Alan Watson-----604-241-7717----alan.watson@shaw.ca Cell# 604-551-0740 Financial Secretary-Shaun McCracken-604-535-4410----2fastbuicks@gmail.com Cell# 604-880-2003 Conductor/Sentinel--Claudius Pais---604-214-5710----cbpais@hotmail.com Trustee-------------Ishan Malik-----604-307-3500----ihsanmalikyvr@hotmail.com Trustee-------------Rolf Schneider--604-270-1472----r-u-schneider@hotmail.com Trustee-------------Beth Brawn------604-276-2087----(no email) Cosco Representative--Shaun McCracken-604-535-4410--2fastbuicks@gmail.com Cell# 604-880-2003--
COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR 2025 POSITION--------------NAME -----------PHONE NUMBER--EMAIL ADDRESS Pension cmte.---------Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Pension Adviser-------Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) 50-50 Draw------------Beth Brawn------604-276-2087--(no email) Social cmte.----------Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Social cmte.----------Claudius Pais---604-585-4724--cbpais@hotmail.com Social cmte.Chair ----Shaun McCracken-604-535-4410--2fastbuicks@gmail.com Cell# 604-880-2003-- Flight Benefits cmte.-Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Food Bank Donations---Rolf Schneider--604-270-1472--r-u-schneider@hotmail.com Computer Help---------Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Sick & Visiting-------Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Interline Adviser-----Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Legislative cmte.-----Vacant----------???-???-????--(no email) Retiree Webmaster-----Bob Daniel------604-946-0614--retireewebmaster@iam764.ca MTU Pension cmte.-----Shaun McCracken-604-535-4410--2fastbuicks@gmail.com Cell# 604-880-2003-- History Cmte Chair----David Varnes----604-275-8971--dvarnes66@gmail.com Building Cmte Chair---David Varnes----604-275-8971--dvarnes66@gmail.com
The annual (calendar year) fee for dues is $5.00. Please make cheque payable to “FST Retirees Local Lodge 764”
Pay at January meeting or Mail to:-
Financial Secretary Treasurer, Retirees
7980 River Road,
Richmond, BC
V6X 1X7
A downloadable Membership application form is available in PDF format, year 2025 click Membership Application Form
View & print using free software. If you do not have it installed on your computer, go to the Adobe Website & download — Adobe Acrobat Reader
RETIREES: According to the IAM Constitution
Dues for Retired Members
SECTION 1. Members who have retired from active employment, either with or without pension, may be issued a retirement card at a cost of $15.00 at the time of retirement. Such retirement card shall cover all succeeding years providing the holders of such cards report to their L.L. annually, not later than March 1 of each year, advising the L.L. of their current mailing address. Failure to report by March 1 of each year will cause recall of their retirement card. L.Ls. shall have the option to use their own reasonable method of advising retirees of this reporting requirement.
Full text may be seen at https://www.iam764.ca/upload/ConstitutionEnglish2023 grandlodge.pdf
- January 01, 2025:- January meeting falls on New Year’s day and the executive committee has cancelled this meeting and the next meeting will be February 05 2025
- February 05, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. meeting — Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
- March 05, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. meeting — PIN PARTY SIGN-UP– Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
- April 02, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. meeting — PIN PARTY DRAW — Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
- May 07, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. Meeting — FINANCIAL AUDIT — Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
- June 04, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. Meeting — FINANCIAL REPORT – BBQ –the last retirees meeting before the summer break. We will have a short meeting and then the BBQ like usual. We’ll have coffee at the meeting and a choice of Burgers, smokies , chips, pop and water at the BBQ.
- July 02, 2025:- meeting cancelled (normal cancellation due to vacations etc)
- August 06, 2025:- meeting cancelled (normal cancellation due to vacations etc)
- September 03, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. meeting — Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
- October 01, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. Meeting — XMAS PARTY HANDOUT — Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
- November 05, 2025:- 10:00 A.M. — NOMINATIONS AND ELECTION FOR EXECUTIVE — Coffee and doughnuts will be there as usual.
****** (NOTE DECEMBER 03 MEETING CANCELLED)****** - December 02, 2025:- CHRISTMAS PARTY DECORATING – 10:00 A.M.
- December 03, 2025:- CHRISTMAS PARTY LUNCHEON – 11:00 A.M.
- Christmas Luncheon on December xx, 2025:- Details TBA
- nothing as of Dec 14, 2024
- There is a parking restriction on River Road. 2 hour parking is permitted, but more than that a permit is required. (Jan 5, 2011))
- From:- International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers July 27, 2015
Subj: Identify IAMAW Veterans in workforce
The Retirees, Community and Membership Services Department has added the Veterans
Service Program to the Department. This program will provide assistance to its military
members, active and retired, in our workforce. Establishing this program requires the department
to identify these servicemen/women.(added to this Webpage Sept 2, 2015
Go to PDF Document:- Military Service Info Sheet for IAM & Form.pdf for more details - The BC Crime Prevention Association — is an integrated team of citizens and police, dedicated to preventing crime. They provide on-going province-wide education and awareness through our community partnerships http://www.bccpa.org
- BC HealthGuide Program — http://www.bchealthguide.org/contact.stm Call toll-free in BC 1-800-465-4911, or e-mail your name and address to HLTH.Health@gov.bc.ca.
- The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis. http://www.crisiscentre.bc.ca/
- The homepage of the Provincial Emergency Program (PEP) of the Province of British Columbia — http://www.pep.bc.ca/
- The Canadian Anti-fraud Call Centre – Fraud. Recognize It. Report It. Stop It. http://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/index-eng.htm (updated Jan 12, 2011)
- Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia The Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia operates under provincial law to protect the legal rights and financial interests of children, to provide assistance to adults who need support for financial and personal decision making, and to administer the estates of deceased and missing persons where there is no one else able to do so. http://www.trustee.bc.ca/Pages/default.aspx
- Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Mental Health ** https://cmha.ca/find-info/mental-health/
Mental health is not only the avoidance of serious mental illness. Your mental health is affected by numerous factors from your daily life, including the stress of balancing work & Retirement with your health and relationships. In this section you will find resources to help you stay mentally fit and healthy. - B.C. Coalition to Eliminate Abuse of Seniors http://www.bcceas.ca/
- The Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC), founded in 1947, is an independent, not-for-profit, volunteer-based, charitable organization. Our mandate is to inform and educate consumers on marketplace issues, to advocate for consumers with government and industry, and work with government and industry to solve marketplace problems. http://consumer.ca/
- HealthLink BC Senior’s Health http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/commonhealthconcerns/seniorshealth.html
- Seniors Gateway to Legal Information & Resources http://seniorsgateway.vcn.bc.ca/subject_categories/oas.html (very good)
- A handy collection of links to information on retirement living and retirement homes in BC. http://bc.senioropolis.com/articles.asp
- Are you a Snowbird (definition:-Slang. One who moves from a cold to a warm place in the winter.) , if so check this out:- This site is designed to help Canadians maximize their enjoyment of the Snowbird lifestyle and minimize the risks, when living part-time in the U.S., Mexico, and other countries. http://www.snowbird.ca/
- Canadian Business Directory, HotFrog – Senior Care Listing on hotfrog:- http://www.hotfrog.ca/Products/senior-care/BC
- Consumer Protection BC is a not-for-profit corporation that protects consumers and encourages a fair marketplace in British Columbia http://www.consumerprotectionbc.ca/
- Pacific Blue Cross has been British Columbia’s leading benefits provider for over 70 years. Our comprehensive understanding of health care needs fuels our commitment to service.
Together with BC Life, our subsidiary, we provide health, dental, life, disability and travel coverage for approx 1.5 million British Columbians through employee group plans and through individual plans for those who do not have coverage with their employer. http://www.pac.bluecross.ca/Corp/Default.aspx - Nurse Next Door is a leading senior care company offering a wide range of elderly home health care services including companionship, personal care, home management and more http://www.nursenextdoor.com/index.php (added Jan 31, 2011)
- Elder Care Resources (some info from Vancouver Sun Article page C3, by James Kwantes, Feb 25, 2011)
Diamond Geriatrics: is a professional service for caregivers, the elderly, senior woman in elder care and business. We provide geriatric care management, counseling, education, seminars, and consultation on eldercare and aging issues.
Diamond Geriatrics, Inc. 288 West 8th Ave,. Vancouver, Canada V5Y 1N5
Tel: 604-874-7764 Fax: 604-874-7725
E-mail:- eldercare@diamondgeriatrics.com
Website:- http://www.diamondgeriatrics.com/company.html - Changing Places: Moving in Vancouver? Aging in place? Let Changing Places take care of the details.Changing Places http://www.vancouvermoves.ca/ is a moving services company in Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. We specialize in helping clients – particularly seniors – cope with the stress of moving by taking care of details
- Good Riddance: http://www.goodriddance.ca/index.html provides solution based organizing and consulting services. We can help you to save time and money and become more effective and organized.
- Home to Home: http://www.home-to-home.ca/ is a seniors advisory and assistance business based in Vancouver, British Columbia. Our goal is to enable smooth transitions into senior living for our clients, concerning all matters to do with their living environment.
- With Care Home Transition Services: http://www.withcare.ca/
* transition planning
* assistance with sorting personal and household items
* packing and unpacking
* organization of in-home or off-site storage
* distribution of items to charitable organizations, thrift stores, shelters
* meeting with auctioneers
* arranging for appraisals
* coordinating with movers, cleaners
* conducting garage and estate sales
* disposal of items such as old paint
* delivery of bequests - Eldidesign: Estate Liquidation http://www.estateliquidation.ca/ Preparation for an estate sale, downsizing, or moving to a care facility can be overwhelming, especially when other family members live in different part of the country, or even abroad. They might not have the time or ability to assist their elderly loved-ones with the transition, or to deal with the daunting task of liquidating their family estate.
It takes a full team of professionals to deal with every aspect of Estate Liquidation: home organizers, packers, cleaners, movers, certified appraiser (art and valuables), interior designer, home stager, landscapers and various contractors or handymen.
To make a hard time easier for you, we will disperse all personal possessions and revamp any dated, run-down, cluttered property in preparation for sale or rental. - Elderpost: http://www.elderpost.com/ is a website where:-
1. Caregivers and older people can:
**find free services and support
**find free or used equipment
**give away or sell equipment that they don’t need anymore
**find private caregivers for hire
**find companies which sell what you may need
**find agencies which specialize in providing people to hire
**find information and organizations which they need as they go through a care giving and aging journey.
2. People who want to work with older people and their caregivers can find the opportunities to do so, without a placement fee, or having to go through an agency which will take something off the top.
3. Companies, non profit organizations, agencies and governments can post information about themselves and the services and goods they provide. - Greater Vancouver Regional District Publication:- 101 things to do with your old stuff http://www.metrovancouver.org/services/solid-waste/SolidWastePublications/101Things.pdf
- Disability discount, ICBC If you have been approved for a fuel tax refund under the B.C. government Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilitiesexternal link, then you may also qualify for a 25 per cent discount on your Basic Autoplan—even if you don’t drive the vehicle you’re insuring. http://www.icbc.com/autoplan/costs/Pages/Discounts-and-savings.aspx (added March 2, 2011)
- Fuel Tax Refund http://www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/individuals/Information_Groups/persons_with_disabilities/
Persons with certain disabilities, including those who receive assistance under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act, are eligible for a motor fuel tax refund on the fuel used in their vehicles. http://www.sbr.gov.bc.ca/documents_library/bulletins/mft_004.pdf (added March 2, 2011) - The Government of Canada Information and Services for Seniors http://www.seniors.gc.ca/eng/sb/ie/index.shtml (added Dec 11, 2011)
- The Canadian Centre for Elder Law (“CCEL”) is a national, non-profit body dedicated to exploring the particular legal issues which affect older Canadians. http://www.bcli.org/ccel (added May 10, 2012)
- BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support BC CEAS | Older adults in BC can live with dignity safe from abuse of any kind BC CEAS is a community based, non-profit organization incorporated as a society in 1994 as the BC Coalition to Eliminate Abuse of Seniors. Following an extensive needs assessment to establish the first Elder Law Clinic in B.C, we changed our name in 2008 to the BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support. http://bcceas.ca/ (added May 10, 2012)
- Office of the Assisted Living Registrar British Columbia is the first province in Canada to regulate assisted living residences. An Assisted Living Registrar protects the health and safety of seniors and people with disabilities who live in publicly subsidized and private-pay assisted living residences. http://www.health.gov.bc.ca/assisted/ (added May 10, 2012)
- SeniorsBC.ca Home and Community Care (HCC) services include Assisted Living, Home Support and Choice in Supports for Independent Living, Residential Care and Hospice Palliative End-of-Life Care, as well as Home Care Nursing and Community Rehabilitation, Adult Day Centres and Case Management Services” http://www.seniorsbc.ca/healthcare/community/ (added May 10, 2012)
- RCMP in B.C. Detachment Contact Information http://bc.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=27&languageId=1&contentId=-1 (Feb 6, 2013)
- Surrey Block Watch Program http://surrey.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=1483&languageId=1&contentId=732 (Feb 6, 2013)
- Richmond, BC, Blockwatch Program http://www.richmond.ca/safety/police/prevention/blockwatch.htm (Feb 6, 2013)
- Vancouver City, BC Blockwatch Program http://vancouver.ca/police/community-policing/block-watch/ (Feb 6, 2013)
- The Delta, BC Community Police Station (CoPS) program is a policing initiative first introduced to North Delta and Ladner in May 1992. In July 1994 the Tsawwassen CoPS office was added to the program. http://deltapolice.ca/cops/ (Feb 6, 2013)
- The Block Watch Society Block Watch Program http://www.blockwatch.com/ (Feb 6, 2013)
- The BC Federation of Retired Union Members – BC FORUM – serving the needs of both retired and active union members over the age of 50 throughout British Columbia. “Welcome to the BC FORUM website. Our organization allows retired and active union members over the age of 50 an opportunity to renew your social network of union members and realize savings in programs, services and products only possible through group negotiation”. http://bcforum.ca/ ( Nov 6, 2013)
- Consulting & Benefits Services Ltd http://weconsultants.ca/products/health-dental-plans-for-retirees/ ( Nov 6, 2013)
- What every older Canadian should know about: Fraud and scams
https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/seniors/forum/fraud-scams.html - Common scams that older adults need to watch out for
https://www.getcybersafe.gc.ca/en/common-scams-older-adults-watch-out-for - The Canadian Bankers Association (CBA) Fraud Prevention
https://cba.ca/?cat=Fraud-Prevention - BBB serving Mainland British Columbia, Serving the Lower Mainland, Thompson – Okanagan, Northern, Central and Southern Interior BC, and the Yukon Check out Businesses here before signing contracts (also available at other locations in Canada) https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-serving-mainland-bc
- The Office of the Seniors Advocate (OSA) is an independent office of the B.C. provincial government acting in the interest of seniors and their caregivers. They offer free email newsletters, & usually include info on scams, fraud etc.
Website:- https://www.seniorsadvocatebc.ca/ - The RCMP Webpage Seniors Guidebook to Safety and Security
Website:- https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/seniors-guidebook-safety-and-security - Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre Bulletin: Top Frauds Affecting Seniors
https://fcnb.ca/en/news-alerts/canadian-anti-fraud-centre-bulletin-top-frauds-affecting-seniors - Government of Canada–Elder Abuse – Financial Fraud by Strangers
https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/cj-jp/fv-vf/eldfr-ainfr/eldfr-ainfr.html - Vancouver Police Department — Fraud Prevention
https://vpd.ca/crime-prevention-safety/fraud-prevention/ - City of Delta Police Department — Online Anti-Fraud Resources
- 50plus.com is the leading Canadian Internet portal for Zoomers — the 14.5 million Canadians who are 45+. along with its affiliate web site, http://www.carp.ca , is also the online home of CARP, Canada’s largest association for the 45+, with more than 350,000 members.- http://www.everythingzoomer.com/category/legacy/50-plus/, Various CARP Chapters are at:- http://www.carp.ca/community/index.cfm
- Council of Canadians, founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada’s largest citizens’ organization, with members and chapters across the country. We work to protect Canadian independence by promoting progressive policies on fair trade, clean water, safe food, public health care, and other issues of social and economic concern to Canadians. We develop creative campaigns to put some of the country’s most important issues into the spotlight. We organize speaking tours, days of action, conferences and demonstrations. We also produce research reports, create popular materials, and work with individuals and organizations across the country and around the world. We do all of this to ensure that governments know the kind of Canada we want. Website — http://www.canadians.org/
- COSCO (Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC) http://www.coscobc.org/
Our Retiree Association has members who attend the regular Meetings ( 2nd Friday of the month ) If any member wishes to provide information or submit questions for our delegates to put forward at the COSCO meeting, do so at the monthly meeting, as volunteers change. (updated Jan 12, 2011).
ACTIVISM – Various Issues
- BC Health Coalition http://www.bchealthcoalition.ca/ What they Do
The goals of the BC Health Coalition are to encourage activism on health care, raise public awareness, develop constituencies around our campaigns, build unity through campaigns, and solicit participation in BC Health Coalition activities. (Oct 27, 2011)
- BC Health Coalition http://www.bchealthcoalition.ca/ What they Do
- Go to the LINKS Page on the Lodge 764 Home page https://www.iam764.ca/Links.aspx for a list of useful Websites
- Air Canada Pionairs — its members are retirees of Air Canada, Canadian Airlines International and its constituent airlines. Associate Members shall be limited to ex-AC/CDN and associated Airlines’ employees who terminated their employment in good standing, who have been nominated in writing by a member and accepted by the Executive Board. http://www.pionairs.ca/
- Pacific Western Airlines Employee Alumni Website. This website is created and managed by the former employees of Pacific Western Airlines. The target audience is that membership http://www.pwareunion.com/index.htm (March 4, 2008)
- The ‘NetLetter’ is not afiliated or operated by the Pionairs or Air Canada, although many people think this is the case. It is operated as part of the ACFamily Network which is a not-for-profit association for Air Canada employees and retirees. http://www.thenetletter.org/
- Air Canada has made changes to Employee Services Contact Information
Air Canada’s Personnel, Human Resources and Pension and Estates office functions have been outsourced to Hewitt and Associates. These services include, but are not limited to, Address Changes, Pension Questions, Medical and Benefit Questions, Name Changes, Death Advice, and Marital Status Changes. More details are available from information extracted from a Pionairs Email sent out March 19, 2011.
See PDF:- Air Canada Contact Info-March 24, 2011.pdf (March 24, 2011)
- Link to Pension page on IAM764 website https://www.iam764.ca/pensions.aspx
- The Air Canada Pension Branch Winnipeg no longer exists. All pension inquiries are now handled by Hewitt Services.The contact is 1-877-645-5000 or eServices@aircanada.ca (April 14/06)
- AC Pension Rep:- Bro. Kevin Cox (2008), Ex-CAIL Pension Rep:- Bro. C Hiscock, (2008), Verne Cameron (Retiree Rep), MTU Pension Rep:-Bro. Ray Stec (2008), United Airlines:- TBD, Pension Committee Chair:- TBD Contact Information is listed on the LL764 Website
- MTU PENSION PLAN The MTU Pension plan (Province of B.C.) (April 2, 2010)
The Financial Institutions Commission of British Columbia (“FICOM”) administers and enforces the Pension Benefits Standards Act (the “PBSA”). The PBSA governs employment pension plans that have members in British Columbia. The chief administrative officer responsible for administration and enforcement of the PBSA is the Superintendent of Pensions.
This is the FICOM Website:- http://www.fic.gov.bc.ca/index.aspx?p=pension_plans/regulation
MTU Canada Website:- http://www.mtu.de/en/company/corporate_structure/locations/canada/index.html
The MTU Retiree contact person is Retiree Shaun McCracken, Email:- 2fastbuicks@telus.net , Telephone:- 604-535-4410 (April 5, 2011)
- Go to the LINKS Page on the Lodge 764 Home page https://www.iam764.ca/Links.aspx for a list of useful Websites or directly to the Air Canada Family Network Website http://www.acfamily.net/ for links to sites such as the Employee Travel Site, Pionairs and others .
- There are too many websites to list on this page, so go the Travel info Page http://https://www.iam764.ca/retirees/retirees3
- Star Alliance Employees Portal https://portal.staralliance.com/employees/ l (Feb 7, 2013)
- Retired but Bored: How Should I Spend My Time? http://www.silverplanet.com/blog/dear-ellie/retired-bored-how-should-i-spend-my-time/38037
- Retirement Advice Online, Your E-Learning & Resource Center:– http://www.retirement-online.com/index.html (note:- mostly USA resources, but there may be ideas that can be achieved in Canada)
- Volunteering your time
** Volunteer BC is a provincial association of volunteer centres, provincial voluntary organizations and individuals working together to strengthen the growth and development of voluntary action in British Columbia. Currently, there are over 30 volunteer centres in British Columbia, with several others in the development stage. These centres play a key role in promoting and supporting effective volunteering in our communities. Volunteer centres work with a broad range of organizations across the voluntary sector including human and social services, health care, education, arts, sports and recreation. They provide recruitment, referral and support services to these organizations, disseminate information on volunteer management and programming, provide training for volunteers and managers of volunteers, and advocate on issues related to volunteerism and volunteer programs. http://www.volunteerbc.bc.ca/index.html
** GOVOLUNTEER This innovative and user-friendly online database connects community volunteers to local not-for-profit organizations. Volunteers easily find the roles that suit their interests, expertise and time. Organizations increase their ability to find volunteers. http://govolunteer.ca/cgi-bin/page.cgi?_id=16
** VolWeb.ca connects volunteers seeking short-term volunteer opportunities at events. Free and easy to use, VolWeb.ca™ was created to increase access to volunteer opportunities and celebrate the spirit of volunteerism. http://www.volunteerbc.bc.ca/?page_id=161
- Equifax Canada – Consumer Information Centre If you would like to obtain a copy of your credit report immediately, for a fee, you can receive real-time on-line access to your personal credit report, credit score and a full explanation of your score and how lenders view your credit history. Simply log on to Equifax Consumer Services Canada at https://www.econsumer.equifax.ca/ca/main?lang=en .To obtain a free copy of your credit report by mail, go to Your Credit Report http://www.equifax.com/ecm/canada/EFXCreditReportRequestForm.pdf and download the credit report request form.
- TransUnion credit report, A free copy is available http://www.transunion.ca/
- Better Business Bureau (BBB) is an unbiased organization that sets and upholds high standards for fair and honest business behavior. Businesses that earn BBB accredited business status contractually agree and adhere to the organization’s high standards of ethical business behaviour. BBB provides objective advice, free business Reliability Reports and charity Wise Giving Reports, and educational information on topics affecting marketplace trust. To further promote trust, BBB also offers complaint and dispute resolution support for consumers and businesses when there is difference in viewpoints. The first BBB was founded in 1912. Today, 128 BBBs serve communities across the U.S. and Canada, evaluating and monitoring more than 3 million local and national businesses and charities.
For Consumers http://www.bbb.org/council/consumer-education
- Boeing Museum of Flight Experience flight as you never have before. Step into the Personal Courage Wing and experience stories of courage as told through a collection of 28 fighter aircraft—in a setting that will simply amaze you. In the steel and glass Great Gallery, the history of aviation soars past, with dozens of full-size aircraft flying in formation six stories above. Sit in the cockpit of a real SR-71 Blackbird or F/A-18 Hornet. Board America’s first presidential jet—Air Force One. Climb aboard the sleek Concorde. Step back 95 years in the magnificently restored Red Barn®, birthplace of The Boeing Company. From hands-on kid’s workshops, to fly-ins, to interaction with the people who made aviation history, The Museum of Flight has something to offer every member of your family or group. Come experience the story of flight from the dawn of aviation to the Space Age.
Mailing Address:
The Museum of Flight
9404 East Marginal Way South
Seattle, WA 98108-4097
Phone: 206-764-5720
Fax: 206-764-5707
Website:- http://www.museumofflight.org/ - Canadian Museum of Flight and Transportation
Hangar 3, 5333 – 216th Street,
Phone: (604) 532-0035
Website:- http://www.canadianflight.org - The British Columbia Aviation Museum
1910 Norseman Road, Sidney, British Columbia,Canada, V8L 5V5
Phone: (250) 655 3300
Website:- http://www.bcam.net/ - Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour. The 73,000-square-foot Future of Flight Aviation Center & Boeing Tour is going to be one of Western Washington’s attractions you just can’t miss. It offers the only Public tour of a commercial jet assembly plant in North America.E-mail: info@futureofflight.org
Phone: 425-438-8100
Toll-free: 888-467-4777 — business office
Toll-free: 1-800-464-1476 — for reservations and information
Fax: 425-265-9808
Website:- http://www.futureofflight.org/ - Comox Air Force Museum
19 Wing Comox
Box 1000, Stn. Forces,
Lazo, BC V0R 2K0
Museum email: info@comoxairforcemuseum.ca
Y2K Spitfire Project email: info@y2kspitfire.com
Phone: 250-339-8162
Fax: 250-339-8162
Website:- http://comoxairforcemuseum.ca/ - Aviation Museum locator http://www.aero-web.org/museums/museums.htm A website listing Aviation Museums in North America.
- A Website Dedicated to the People and History of Pacific Western Airlines http://pwareunion.com/ (Feb 6, 2013)
- Boeing Museum of Flight Experience flight as you never have before. Step into the Personal Courage Wing and experience stories of courage as told through a collection of 28 fighter aircraft—in a setting that will simply amaze you. In the steel and glass Great Gallery, the history of aviation soars past, with dozens of full-size aircraft flying in formation six stories above. Sit in the cockpit of a real SR-71 Blackbird or F/A-18 Hornet. Board America’s first presidential jet—Air Force One. Climb aboard the sleek Concorde. Step back 95 years in the magnificently restored Red Barn®, birthplace of The Boeing Company. From hands-on kid’s workshops, to fly-ins, to interaction with the people who made aviation history, The Museum of Flight has something to offer every member of your family or group. Come experience the story of flight from the dawn of aviation to the Space Age.
- A comprehensive listing of Telephone Directories is also available on the New Westminster Public Library Website:- http://www.nwpl.ca/your_library/electronic_resources/main104.htm
- Need to ship FedEx, have a look at their interline discount. Click here for printable instructions in PDF format. (updated Feb 9, 2011)
RECENT OBITUARIES, Information has been moved to separate page at http://https://www.iam764.ca/retirees/retirees2
For a complete list of names of deceased AC employees, log onto your Air Canada Aeronet account at http://acaeronet.aircanada.ca and in the Table of Contents on the left side of the page select Employee Milestones & then “In Memorium”
Also check out the PWA Reunion Website:- http://www.pwareunion.com/passages.htm
Retirees Website Representative:-
Bob Daniel
Ph# 604-946-0614
Email:- bdaniel@iam764.ca