Yvr Ramp Shifts

Here are the shifts (current version) for the winter schedule. this link takes you to the Google Docs page.
bid phone number is 604-231-3820
This is all the information that I have for now. Google Doc’s Link…
I had to shrink my browser to 90% or just slightly minimize the browser to get the vertical scroll bar to work (firefox). What ever works for you.

2018 IAM Scholarship Competition is Now Accepting Applications

The 2018 IAM Scholarship Competition is now accepting applications. The competition is open to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada under procedures and rules of eligibility explained in this announcement. The IAM Scholarship Fund, which is used exclusively to make possible these awards, was established by the delegates of the 1960 IAM Grand Lodge Convention.
Link to information on how to apply here…


The results for Nominations held at the September 13, 2017, General Meeting
for MTU Negotiating Committee Representatives are:
Bro. Neil Carter,
Bro. Joe Di Fabio,
Bro. Damian Huzyk,
Sis. Leeanne Siewert (alternate)
The above Members are acclaimed, negating any requirement election.
Read bulletin here…

Canadian Blood Services – it’s in you to give

For anyone who has not yet registered under your Partners for Life International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 764 – INTE010909 please read Bulletin here…
Book your next appointment today at www.blood.ca or download the GiveBlood App For groups of three or more email pfl.bc@blood.ca

Labour Day – Sept 4, 2017

New Westminster & District Labour Council invites you to celebrate Monday September 4, 2017, Holland Park, Surrey 11:30am-2:30pm, Join us for fun, food, music, and kid’s activities. LL764is sponsoring the face painting booth and Shelley, Leanne and Laura have all volunteered to help out at the IAMAW booth that we will share with DL250. We are always looking for additional volunteers to assist. Please let me know if you or any other members you know are interested in assisting. Read pdf here…

Thanks Christopher Hiscock President, Canadian Airways Lodge 764


Nominations for any of the above positions may be offered at the Regular Lodge Meeting in September.
If the Nomination is offered at the Regular Local Lodge Meeting, the NOMINATOR must be present at
the Meeting for the nomination to be accepted from the floor by the President, along with an
acceptance letter from the NOMINEE.
Both the NOMINEE and the NOMINATORS must be “Members in Good Standing” of the Local
Lodge for the nomination to be accepted. NOMINEES must meet the Local Lodge Regular Meeting
attendance requirements (50%) specified in the Local Lodge Bylaws for Elections of Local 764 and
must be a “member in good standing” for at least one (1) year at a time of nomination.
Absentee Ballot attached to pdf bulletin. Read PDF here…

LL764 Member Obituaries

I regret to inform you that we have had some members pass away recently.
Brothers Bernard Allardyce, Shalom Soorany and Andrew Moffat.
Bob Daniel has put the information on the Retirees section of the website for Bernard and Shalom.
Will post more on Andrew when we have the information.

General Meeting Notice – Next Meeting is on Sept 13, 2017

At the June General Meeting, the following Motion was passed; THAT, Local Lodge 764, postpone all Local Lodge Executive, General and
Shop Steward Meetings for the months of July and August 2017 with the provision that any one of these meetings can be reinstated at the call of the Chair, should circumstances warrant. Read Bulletin here…

Unite Here – $15 campaign

The event is Wednesday June 14th at 6:15 pm at the

South Arm Community Centre 8880 Williams Road.

Unite Here is working with their airport workers to launch

a $15 campaign as part of their upcoming bargaining. Read Poster here…

Pension Seminars for IAMAW Members employed by Air Canada

Pension Seminars are scheduled for all interested IAMAW Members employed by Air
Canada. The Seminars will deal with the Air Canada Defined Benefit and MEPP Pension
Plans for both ex-CAIL and original Air Canada Members.
TIMES (BOTH DAYS): 09:00 and 16:00
Read Bulletin here…

General Meeting Notice for June 14, 2017

Motion: THAT, Local Lodge 764, postpone all Local Lodge Executive, General and Shop Steward Meetings for the months of July and August
2017 with the provision that any one of these meetings can be reinstated at the call of the Chair, should circumstances warrant.
Read PDF here…