REMINDER Member Changes in Work Status

Please inform the Shop Committee or the Local Lodge of any changes in your status.
A change in work status may include any of the following:
• Address or telephone contact change
• The decision to Retire
• Notice of layoff (either short or long term)
• Work leaves of any kind (parental, educational, personal, etc.)
• Unpaid medical leaves
• Workplace illness (GDIIP) or injury (WCB)
• Disciplinary suspension (either short or long term)
• The decision to transfer to another station in the system

Read Bulletin here…

Pension seminars for IAMAW Members employed by Air Canada

Pension seminars are scheduled for all interested IAMAW Members employed by Air Canada.  The seminars will deal with the Air Canada Defined Benefit and MEPP Pension plans for both ex-CAIL and original Air Canada Members.

TIMES (BOTH DAYS): 09:00 and 16:00

Read Bulletin here…

CLC Canadian Council – #DoneWaiting Campaign

The CLC Canadian Council is pleased to announce that we have launched our powerful new campaign for women’s economic justice, #DoneWaiting . Our International Women’s Day Statement is available here, and the campaign website is live at

#DoneWaiting demands our federal government take action to end sexual harassment and violence, fix the child care crisis and end wage discrimination. However, we cannot be successful in our demands without your active support.

National Day of Action to Protect Pensioners – Wed. February 21

Let your MPs know that you will not tolerate Canadian workers having their pensions Norteled or Searsed if their companies ever file for CCAA or BIA. It is doubly important to lobby your MPs if they are Liberal or even Conservative as they are the impediments to overcoming this unconscionable treatment of working class Canadians.

Tell them to support and pass pending private member bills C-372 and C-384. Feel free to have your members sprint and take copies of the attached pension report with them to give to their MPs or to use as talking points.
Attached Pension Report         Link to Day of Action Website

Patrick Masse Concert

Human Rights Activist Bro. Patrick Masse is performing a concert to help raise funds for the Rainbow Refugees on March 22th 2018. 7pm at XY Nightclub 1216 Bute St. Vancouver,BC

Bro. Masse has been a long time activist and proud supporter of the LBGTQ community.

IAM local 764 has make a donation to help promote the benefit event and cause.

See poster here…

Terence William (Terry) Deane Obituary

It is with regret that we must inform you of the passing of Brother Terry Deane . The link to the obituary is Here…

Terry spent 50 years working at YVR with Queen Charlotte Airlines for a year and then United Airlines where he contributed 49 years.


Local Lodge 764 Budget 2018 – First reading.
REMINDER: The By-Election for Air Canada Shop Committee Chair, Airports/Cargo will take place January 10, 2018 at the Local Lodge 764 Offices from 0600-2000hrs. Members of Air Canada Airports, Cargo, and Cabins are eligible to vote.  Read Bulletin here..