Pension seminars are scheduled for all interested IAM & AW Members employed by Air Canada. The seminars will deal with the Air Canada Defined Benefit and MEPP Pension plans for both ex-CAIL and original Air Canada members. DATES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19TH, 2019 and TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND, 2019.
Read Bulletin here…

General Meeting Notice for Sept 11, 2019 (revised)

Nominations for Western Region General Chairpersons (3), Air Canada, Service and At Large.
(See District Lodge 140 Bulletin No. 24, June 6, 2019).

Nominations for Local Lodge 764 Executive Board Members. Elections will be December 11, 2019. The Term of Office from January 1, 2020- December 31, 2022.

MTU ILIP Trustees added. Read Bulletin here…

Geoffrey Michael Heide – Obituary

Geoffrey Michael Heide
February 9, 1951 – July 21, 2019
It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of Geoff with his family by his side at Willingdon Creek Village in Powell River, B.C. after a long courageous battle with Lewy Body Dementia. He is survived by his wife of 46 years Maureen (Mee), Son, Michael (Sheri), grandson Cooper, granddaughter Jolene. Sister’s Tracy (Jim), Nevia (Doug). Father, Norman E. Heide. Geoff has numerous nieces and nephews and children of our good friends who called him Uncle Geoff. He was preceded in death by his mother Edith in 2007. Geoff worked on the ramp at Vancouver International Airport and retired after 36 years with Air Canada/Canadian Airlines/CP Air. Geoff was a gentle soul who loved his family and friends. He loved classic cars, fishing, camping and puttering in his garage. He also enjoyed a rum and Pepsi at happy hour and a good laugh with good friends. He was a hard worker and was always there to lend a helping hand to his friends. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date.


Nominations for Western Region General Chairpersons (3), Air Canada, Service and At Large.
(See District Lodge 140 Bulletin No. 24, June 6, 2019). Nominations for Local Lodge 764 Executive Board Members. Elections will be December 11, 2019. The Term of Office from January 1, 2020- December 31, 2022. Read Bulletin here…

General Meeting Notice – June 12, 2019

MOTION: THAT, Local Lodge 764, postpone all Local Lodge Executive, General and Shop Steward Meetings for the months of July and August 2019 with the provision that any one of these meetings can be reinstated at the call of the Chair, should circumstances warrant. Read Bulletin here…

Dreams Take Flight – Golf Tournament Ticket Raffle

Local Lodge 764 has been an active supporter of the Dreams Take Flight charity, which provides the trip of a lifetime to children in need, for several years. Local Lodge 764 has purchased four (4) tickets to the 15th Annual Dreams Take Flight Golf Tournament which will be held at the Richmond Country Club on Wednesday, July 3, 2019. Read Bulletin here…

IAMAW Air Canada Pension Videos

Robert Nolan Communicator local 1681 has created videos of the Defined Pension Seminar presented by Brother Chris Hiscock.  He has completed 4 videos with approx another 6-7 remaining.  Here is a link to the videos Video Link…      I will also post this link on the pension page of LL764.