Welcome to the 2026 Logistics & Supply IAM Negotiating Group: YYC, YUL, YVR, YYZ stores.
LSA, SA, and PT Sub Committee Newsletter
LSA, SA, and PT Sub Committee Newsletter
Sub-Committee communications
Please find the attached GSE and AME first communications
AME – Advisory Sub-Committe
GSE, ASE, CRE – Advisory Sub-Committee Communication
Congratulations Christy – IAM Union members have nominated and elected the incumbent Executive Council members and international officers
In an overwhelming show of support, IAM Union members have nominated and elected the incumbent Executive Council members and international officers to a new four-year term, beginning July 1, 2025. For the first time in nearly two decades, there will be no need for runoffs for international officer elections. Delegate to the Canadian Labour Congress Christy Slauenwhite (Local 764)* *Elected …
Meet the Ramp Agents!
Meet the Ramp Agents! A new video from “The Country Doesn’t Move Without US” series on IAMAW Canada Youtube site. Meet the Ramp Agents
Canadian notice of Nomination and Elections for International Officers
In accordance with Article III of the IAM Constitution,[1] except as set forth herein, in Canada the International will conduct elections for the offices of International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President, 1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law (including one from Canada) for terms ending on June 30, 2029. Nominations for these offices can be made at a special meeting of your local on Saturday, January 18, 2025. In the event that members of your local nominate more than one candidate for IAM International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, Canadian Vice President, the C.L.C and/or more than five (5) candidates for the Committee on Law, there shall be a local endorsement vote on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Both the nomination and endorsement meetings will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the location printed in your mailing.
Read Information here…
Meet The Aircraft Maintenance Engineer! Video
The latest video launching from the IAM celebrating the dedicated professionals who form the backbone of our aviation industry, starting with the AMEs (Aircraft Maintenance Engineers). See Video here…
As per the bulletin from District 140 on the bylaw change to the negotiations process, Local 764 will be accepting nominations for the following advisory committee’s,
• 1 – Full Time Station Attendant
• 1 – Part Time Station Attendant
• 1 – CSA (Customer Service Agent)
• 1 – CSCA (Cabin Service Cleaning Attendant)
• 1 – Trainer (Trainer 1 or Trainer 2)
• 1 – GSE (Ground Servicing Equipment)
• 1 – AME (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer)
• 1 – Logistics and Supply (Stores)
• 1 – TECH (Other non AME Tech-Opps classifications)
Candidates must hold the classification to run for the advisory committee position. Nominations will close November 21st, 2024, candidates must be in good standing as per Local 764 bylaws and the constitution to eligible for one (1) of the above positions. Read Bulletin here…
GVP and District 140 By-Laws Communication
The following links contain information on the communication GVP Chartrand By-Laws Letter EN3.pdf By-Laws one-pager – English.pdf Chartrand DL140 By Laws – Video from Dave Chartrand
The Country Doesn’t Move Without Us – Video
The Country Doesn’t Move Without Us! a video from Transportation District 140
Watch here…
Video Message to District 140 members from David Chartrand, GVP, IAM Canada
As you are aware, Transportation District 140 has been placed under supervision by the IAM. We communicated this to the membership last week, and the response has been very positive.
I encourage you to watch the brief message addressed to District 140 members, where I further explain the reasons behind these necessary changes. The membership has made it clear—they want us to stand united as a strong, cohesive team, and we are fully committed to making that a reality.
In solidarity,David Chartrand
General Vice-President, IAM Canada
William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center – Virtual Training Sessions
This call is to announce a new on-line education opportunity for IAM members through the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education & Technology Center. The Winpisinger Center is offering Virtual Training Sessions on a variety of topics of interest to IAM members. These sessions are open to all IAM members in good standing.
Each Virtual Training Session lasts 1-2 hours and is repeated three times during the week it is held to accommodate the varying schedules of our membership. Additional trainings will be added, but those currently scheduled for 2024-2025 include: Read Bulletin here…
Letter from Brian Bryant – International President
It has been brought to my attention that conditions exist within District 140 that pose a threat to the good and welfare of the membership. I, therefore, am placing District 140 under Supervision in accordance with Article VI, Section 7 of the IAM Constitution effective September 23, 2024. Read Bulletin here…
Bulletin from David Chartrand IAM Canadian General Vice President
As a member of Canada’s largest and most powerful airline union, the IAM, you have a right to expect world-class
representation. And while our long-standing solidarity and strength have gotten us to this point, it has become clear in my visits with you – our proud membership – that more needs to be done to move us toward a brighter future.
Today, I am proud to announce that we are taking significant steps toward ensuring the good and welfare of our District 140 membership.
Upon approval from the IAM Executive Council and in accordance with the IAM Constitution, we are placing District 140
under supervision. This is an internal process within our union that allows us to assist the District in serving our membership. It does not remove any officers, make any changes to district or local elections, or change any financial operations of the district. Read Bulletin here…
District Bulletin 26 – DISTRICT 140 WOMEN’S COMMITTEE
The District 140 Leadership is interested in creating a National Women’s Committee as per Article 13.03 Letter “D” of the District bylaws, that encompasses all groups under District. The mandate of this Committee is to foster unity and create a platform for Local Committees to share input and ideas with one another.
If you are interested in participating, please send your interest letter to the President dflowers@iam140.ca or the Secretary Treasurer aacrobati@iam140.ca of the District 140, no later than Thursday, October 31, 2024.
Read Bulletin here…
As you are aware, Air Canada’s Pilots, represented by the Airline Pilots Association (ALPA), are in a legal strike position as of September 17, 2024. The Pilots have highlighted the need for wage parity with their American counterparts and have shown incredible solidarity throughout this difficult round of negotiations. The IAM fully supports ALPA in it’s efforts to achieve fair compensation in the airline industry. Read Bulletin here…
The District 140 has been advised that certain moratoriums that were issued by the Federal Labor Minister have expired for the aviation sector and these code provisions have now come into effect. Notably, Employers under the Canada Labor Code must now issue a lunch break of 30 minutes for every 5 hours of work.
The District 140 was advised by Air Canada that because of this, they will be unilaterally extending everyone’s shift by 30 minutes UNPAID. The Union finds this unilateral action to modify your working hours completely abysmal and contrary to provisions that are supposed to better your working condition and benefit you, the workers. Read Bulletin here…
Your Union sought a resolution through the arbitration process and the case was heard by Arbitrator Schmidt over multiple hearing dates. The Arbitrator sided with the Union’s position and the arbitration process has now concluded and payments will be made to affected members who were working in 2020. Read Bulletin here…
Air Canada – Share Trust Update #7
The Company recently issued an update on the matter of the Share Trust. This communication announced that the Company has received a comfort letter from the federal Department of Finance confirming that it is prepared to recommend to the Minister of Finance that the Income Tax Regulations (ITR) be amended to allow all parties to pursue the remaining steps in the repurposing of the Share Trust.
The latest guidance is that no VSP or lump sum payments will be made before the fourth quarter of 2025. Read Bulletin here…