The event is Wednesday June 14th at 6:15 pm at the
South Arm Community Centre 8880 Williams Road.
Unite Here is working with their airport workers to launch
a $15 campaign as part of their upcoming bargaining. Read Poster here…
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been categorized as “All Bulletins”
The event is Wednesday June 14th at 6:15 pm at the
South Arm Community Centre 8880 Williams Road.
Unite Here is working with their airport workers to launch
a $15 campaign as part of their upcoming bargaining. Read Poster here…
Pension Seminars are scheduled for all interested IAMAW Members employed by Air
Canada. The Seminars will deal with the Air Canada Defined Benefit and MEPP Pension
Plans for both ex-CAIL and original Air Canada Members.
TIMES (BOTH DAYS): 09:00 and 16:00
Read Bulletin here…
Please sign our petition OPPOSING privatizing Canadian airports.
Your message will be sent to Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Garneau, as well as the IAM.
It only takes a minute to do, first name, last name and email are required fields.
In accordance with Transportation District Lodge 140 Policy No. 41, we are posting for the position of the Air Canada IAMAW Pension Committee Retiree Representative. The initial term of office for the Air Canada IAMAW Pension Committee Retiree Representative shall commence on January 1, 2018 and the term of office shall be four (4) years. The decision on appointment shall be made by the DL140 Executive Board. Read PDF here…
Motion: THAT, Local Lodge 764, postpone all Local Lodge Executive, General and Shop Steward Meetings for the months of July and August
2017 with the provision that any one of these meetings can be reinstated at the call of the Chair, should circumstances warrant.
Read PDF here…
The IAMAW was verbally notified on Friday May 5, 2017 by Air Canada of their intent to
subcontract ten (10) B767 summer readiness reliance checks to Kelowna Flightcraft in YHM.
Written notification was subsequently provided on Monday, May 8, 2017. Air Canada continues
a complete disregard for Article 20.07.02. Read PDF here…
Further to Bulletin 002, issued January 25, 2017, Air Canada has recently mailed overtime inclusion forms to all applicable Air Canada members of the IAMAW MEPP Pension Plan. These forms were all sent out by the end of March and must be returned no later than June 15, 2017.
This form allows our members to include their overtime earnings as part of their pensionable earnings in the MEPP. Both the member and Air Canada will contribute their required 6% on all overtime earnings to the MEPP as soon as the member submits their form indicating that they wish to include their overtime as part of their pensionable earnings. Read PDF Here…
Don’t miss the chance to show your talent and feature your lodge members in the next IAM Calendar. Enter the 2017 IAM Photography Contest.
Click here for rules and details. The entry deadline is June 3, 2017.
Winning entries receive cash prizes and will appear in the 2018 1AM Calendar. Two dollars from each calendar sale is donated to Guide Dogs of America.
Photos must be taken by IAM members in good standing, and persons in the photos must also be members in good standing. Subjects should be working at their job and conform to all safety standards.
Yes, you have seen this message before. On May 9, as a British Columbian, a
worker and a union member this will be the most important thing you do. Your
health and safety at work, access to Worker’s Compensation, quality
Healthcare, a $15/hour minimum wage, affordable childcare, affordable
housing, better transit and fairness for you and your union at the Labour Board
all depend on your vote. Make sure you have a plan to vote.
Read PDF Here…
“Authorized by LL764, registered sponsor under the Elections Act. We may be contacted at 604-273-9668.”
Our thanks to John Horgan and the BCNDP
for taking time to answer IAM members’ questions.
It is clear IAM members and their families have a stark
choice on May 9.
Read PDF File here…
“Authorized by LL764, registered sponsor under the Elections Act. We may be contacted at 604-273-9668.”
The Snag Sheet is
now online at:
April Snag Sheet
Results of the Election held at the April 12, 2017 General Meeting for Delegates to District
Lodge 140 Convention are:
1. Bro. Austen Knight, 2. Bro. Dave Marshall, 3. Sis. Tania Canniff, 4. Bro. Rainer Mans, 5. Bro. Chris Cheung, 6. Bro. AJ Festejo
Read PDF File here…
Finally the new collective agreement is online at:
Across Canada, April 28 has been designated the Day of Mourning.
Every year workers, families, employers, and communities come together at ceremonies held around the province to remember those who have lost their lives to work-related incidents or occupational disease, and re–new our commitment to creating healthy and safe workplaces.
Further to Bulletin #10 issued February 10, 2017 the Executive Board of Transportation
District Lodge 140 is pleased to announce the appointment of Derrick Bashford as our
new National EAP Coordinator Bulletin No.017_EN
Further to our Bulletin of February 2, 2017, your Negotiation Committee Representatives met with the
Company on March 28, 2017 to commence discussions in response to the Company’s formal written notice
regarding a layoff in accordance with Section 54 [1] of the Labour Relations Code.
Read PDF Here…