General Meeting Notice for Nov 08, 2017

Placid Harbor Leadership Schools 2018, Delegate announcements.

Nominations for Shop Committee Chair, Air Canada Airports/Cargo. Election to be held
January 10, 2018 at the Local Lodge Offices from 0600-8:00 pm (Absentee Ballot attached to PDF) Read PDF here…


The Local Lodge 764 Executive has been notified by Brother Rod Ramsay that he has submitted his
retirement application to Air Canada. Rod will be retiring effective November 1, 2017 and as a result has
tendered his notice as Chairman of the Air Canada YVR Airports and Cargo Shop Committee effective the
same date.

Therefore, an election will be held as required by Local Lodge 764 Bylaws Article II, Section G and
conducted in accordance with Article III, Section A to fill the Airports & Cargo Shop Committee Chairman
position for the remaining two (2) year period of the present term of office which will expire on December
31, 2019.

On behalf of the Executive and Members of Local Lodge 764 I would like to thank Rod for his service to
our Members and wish him a long, healthy and rewarding retirement. Read Bulletin here…

District Bulletin 56 -GARDAWORLD TORONTO

As you may be aware, the IAMAW is in the process of unionizing the GardaWorld SPMs working at the Toronto Airports, following decisions by the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) which has already recognized this group of employees as appropriate for unionization in previous organizing campaigns that took place at the Vancouver and Winnipeg airports. Read Bulletin here…

Yvr Ramp Shifts

Here are the shifts (current version) for the winter schedule. this link takes you to the Google Docs page.
bid phone number is 604-231-3820
This is all the information that I have for now. Google Doc’s Link…
I had to shrink my browser to 90% or just slightly minimize the browser to get the vertical scroll bar to work (firefox). What ever works for you.

2018 IAM Scholarship Competition is Now Accepting Applications

The 2018 IAM Scholarship Competition is now accepting applications. The competition is open to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada under procedures and rules of eligibility explained in this announcement. The IAM Scholarship Fund, which is used exclusively to make possible these awards, was established by the delegates of the 1960 IAM Grand Lodge Convention.
Link to information on how to apply here…


The results for Nominations held at the September 13, 2017, General Meeting
for MTU Negotiating Committee Representatives are:
Bro. Neil Carter,
Bro. Joe Di Fabio,
Bro. Damian Huzyk,
Sis. Leeanne Siewert (alternate)
The above Members are acclaimed, negating any requirement election.
Read bulletin here…