The IAM has been working in collaboration with the AC Council of Unions (ACPA CUPE, Unifor and CALDA) in
response to Air Canada’s Drug and Alcohol Policy. We have significant concerns regarding the Policy, its
expectations and obligations as well as the authorities granted to the Employer contained within this Policy. We
further believe that the Policy, as released, is unreasonable, overly broad, vague, contrary to current practice,
and fails to meet the Company’s legal obligations towards its employees. Read Bulletin here…

NWDLC – Candidates Endorsed for 2018 Civic Elections

Candidates Endorsed for 2018 Civic Elections (Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Surrey, White Rock, Burnaby, Langley City, Langley Township, Maple Ridge, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Delta, Pitt Meadows) by the New Westminster & District Labour Council.
Election Day Saturday, October 20, Advance Polling Days Begin October 10
Read here…

2019 IAM Scholarship Competition (with the correct link now!)

The 2019 IAM Scholarship Competition is now accepting applications. The competition is open to members of the IAM and their children throughout the United States and Canada under procedures and rules of eligibility explained in this announcement. The IAM Scholarship Fund, which is used exclusively to make possible these awards, was established by the delegates of the 1960 IAM Grand Lodge Convention.


Air Canada is asking eligible retirees whether they will give up their life insurance and health benefits, both of which were guaranteed for life, for a one time cash payment for life insurance, and a health care spending account of $450 yearly for the retiree, and another $450 for eligible dependents for a total maximum of $900 for health benefits. The decision whether to take the Voluntary Buyout Program is a personal one, and we cannot make a recommendation about what to do. However, we suggest that our members consider the
following when making the decision: Read PDF Here…


The Union has been contacted by a number of former Aveos members who have received legal Notice of
Application for judicial review filed by the former Directors of Aveos.
Through this Application the former Directors of Aveos are trying to overturn orders to make payments to
former Aveos employees that were obtained by a federal government agency, Employment and Social
Development Canada. Read PDF Here…


Please be advised that the Executive of Transportation District Lodge 140 has temporarily appointed Bro Guillaume Lingat, Local Lodge 1751 Customer Service Shop Committee Chair, to carry out the duties of the Transportation District Lodge 140 Air Canada Designated General Chairperson position in the Eastern Region, to cover an absence. Read PDF Here…

District Bulletin 36 – AIR CANADA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (pension)

On Friday, August 10, 2018 Air Canada announced to their employees that they would be creating a new wholly owned subsidiary, Air Canada Life Insurance Company (ACLI). ACLI will be a fully registered and regulated insurance company under the terms and conditions of all existing Canadian financial and insurance regulations and will fall under the auspices of OSFI.

The Air Canada Pension Master Trust Fund (MTF) intends to purchase group annuities from various established Canadian insurance companies. The sheer size of the MTF ($19.5 Billion as at 1/1/2018) dwarfs the ability of the Canadian annuity market to absorb such a large investment and the associated risk. Read PDF Here…

Union Protein Project for NWDLC needs volunteers Sep 15th

LL 764 Brothers and Sisters,
Laura Sharp is organizing the next Union Protein Project community event for the New Westminster & District Labour Council , and the last one for 2018.
This event is going to be at Edmonds Community School , 7651 18th Ave, Burnaby, on Saturday, Sept 15th from 11:00 to 2:00 pm. Edmonds Community School. Edmonds Community School was chosen for a community forum for its diverse community. The over 280 students represent more than 48 countries . This is a FREE, fun event. There will be a live band , a barbecue, cotton candy, Dilly the Clown
and Bubblegum, facepainting and games for the kids.
Read PDF Union Protein Project

Air Canada Pionairs Pension sub-Committee

The Air Canada Pionairs retiree group are engaging their members in a coordinated political action campaign to try and bring legislative reform to protect pensions in bankruptcy and insolvency cases like Nortel and Sears to name just two high profile cases.

The link below will take you to a letter and the CARP online “email your MP” petition for members and retirees to complete and submit.
Link for letter and petition here…

Urgent need for blood donors

JUNE 18, 2018 -Canadian Blood Services is urging Canadians to help meet patients’ needs this summer by donating blood and by encouraging others to roll up their sleeves as well. With people away or busy with other activities, there tend to be fewer donations, making summer one of the most challenging times for Canada’s blood system. More than 23,000 donors are urgently needed by July 2 to ensure patients continue to have access to the blood and blood products they need.

“The summer is a time for family to relax and enjoy themselves. Yet, the need for blood and blood products is
constant. The need for blood does not take a holiday,” says Rick Prinzen, Canadian Blood Services’ chief supply
chain officer and vice-president of donor relations Read Bulletin here…

LOCAL LODGE 764 “Dreams Take Flight” Golf Tournament Ticket Winners

As an active supporter of the Dreams Take Flight charity, which provides the trip of a lifetime to children in need, for several years Local Lodge 764 purchased four (4) tickets to the 15th Annual Dreams Take Flight Golf Tournament which will be held at the Richmond Country Club onWednesday, July 4, 2018.
I am pleased to announce that the winning tickets were purchased by:
Sister Karoline Karpun – MTU
Brother Tim Johal – Air Canada
Brother Randy Elgin – Air Canada
Brother Neil Carter – MTU
Read Bulletin here…