Air Canada and IAMAW arbitration Article 10 and MOA 12- Shift Bids

This award concern a matter that is national in scope covering all affected stations represented in the Air Canada and IAMAW TMOS collective agreement (“Collective Agreement”). Grievances have been filed across the country alleging flagrant breaches of article 10 and Memorandum of Agreement No. 12 (“MOA 12”), which provisions address work schedules. They are reproduced in an appendix to this award. Read Arb here…


Glenn Girard passed away December 19, 2020 in Surrey after a long illness. Glenn was a dedicated IAM&AW LL 764 delegate to the NWDLC from May 2009 until October 2019. He was 65.
Glenn retired from Air Canada in 2019. He was socially caring, active in his Union and local politics, and a staunch supporter of the NDP. Condolences, memories and photos may be shared and viewed on Glenn’s obituary at

It’s not “Force Majeure” if it’s planned says IAM

The IAM was advised this morning that Air Canada intends to use an extraordinary measure by placing approximately 284 IAM members on “off duty status” by invoking a “force majeure” provision contained within the collective agreement. The IAM categorically opposes the use of the “force majeure by placing our members on “off duty status” as it does not apply in the current situation. Air Canada is well outside the statute of limitations to use “force majeure”. The company announced 1,700 staff reductions across its operations throughout the country.

Force Majeure is an unforeseeable circumstance that prevents someone from fulfilling a contract or an obligation. Read Press Release here…

District Bulletin 002 – DISTRICT 140 EFAP CLAIM PROCESS

It has come to my attention that the website contained incorrect information about the claim process. In the past, a member with a family plan was able to access $1500 over and above the $500 allotted by the company.

After consideration of this, the National EFAP Committee decided that this was not a fair
practice. The policy allowed for members with family plans to access more monies than
those members with single/no dependent plans. Read Bulletin here…

Beyond Disappointed

“I am far beyond disappointed to hear that the Canadian government has been providing wage subsidies (CEWS) to foreign-owned airlines who continue to fly into Canada!”

That was the reaction of Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall, when news dropped that a dozen foreign-owned airlines have been granted CEWS relief despite having already received billions of dollars in relief from their own governments. The CEWS database shows
precisely which corporations are receiving the benefit financed by Canadian taxpayers:

District Bulletin 01 – AIR CANADA OFF-DUTY STATUS

Today, Air Canada advised District Lodge 140 of their intention to place additional employees on off-duty status as per Article 20.14 of the Collective Agreement. For now, the majority of the affected Members come from the Atlantic Region and all come from Airports/Cargo. Labour Relations further advised that additional ODS will also be applied in Tech-Ops at a later date but did not provide detail.Read Bulletin here…


The amount of Union Dues paid by each individual in the Machinist Union is determined by the Membership at a democratic forum. At the International (Grand Lodge) level, the per capita tax is established by the Delegates to the Grand Lodge Convention every four years. For 2021, the Grand Lodge per capita tax will be $36.10 per member per month. This is a monthly increase of $0.36 from 2020. Read Bulletin here…


In order to be in compliance with these provincial government health directives and to further ensure
the health and safety of our members and your families, Local Lodge 764 will be cancelling the
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 monthly General membership meeting. Local Lodge 764 is hopeful
that we will be allowed to hold our Wednesday, February 10, 2021 General membership meeting,
provided the COVID-19 health restrictions permit that meeting to take place. Read Bulletin here…

Danny Carroll Obituary

CARROLL, Daniel Joseph (DJ) May 25, 1963 – December 11, 2020
Celebration of Life will be held at a future date. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Dreams Take Flight, Read Obituary here…


Your General Chairpersons continued the fight at national arbitration hearings
yesterday. As many of the national grievances are more complex than usual, the
national process tends to be protracted.

Although taking longer than expected, we are concluding matters and are very happy
to report that Arbitrator Christine Schmidt has upheld the extensive shift bid grievances
submitted across every region Read Bulletin here…


As a follow up to Bulletin No.54 issued on October 21, 2020, a further case management call was held on December 18, 2020 between Arbitrator Vince Ready, the IAMAW’s legal counsel, Air Canada’s legal counsel, and the two principle chairs for your TMOS Bargaining Committee.

Due to unforeseen circumstances of a personal nature, Air Canada’s counsel have put forward a request to Arbitrator Ready to extend the December 14 & 23, 2020 submission deadlines that were previously established during the case management call on October 15, 2020. Read Bulletin here…


By now most of you will have read the employer’s communication dated December 13th regarding “Holiday Peak Overtime Callout.” Your Union is opposed to this strategy for a myriad of reasons.
Overtime callout procedures are set forth in the Collective Agreement and local overtime agreements. It is not optional to Air Canada resource to unilaterally adjust those agreed to procedures on an ad hoc basis. Read Bulletin here…

To all Canadian Local Lodges, District Lodges, BR/GCs, GL Staff

Over the course of this year, a great many IAM members have suffered a furlough or layoff as a result of the pandemic. We are aware that a great many remain in this situation.

The IAM Constitution, in Article G, provides for members who are unemployed for the major portion of
any month (the major portion of any month shall depend on the major portion of the regular working days
in any month) and who suffer a total or proportionate loss of earnings, due to separation from
employment, layoff, or furlough, or sickness or disability, to maintain their good standing by paying a
minimum charge of $2.00 per month, $1.00 of which is remitted to Grand Lodge. Read Bulletin here…


During the past five years the ILIP Plan has experienced fairly significant utilization. This has made it necessary to make some prudent financial decisions in order to keep the ILIP Plan funded on a sound basis.

The ILIP Plan renewal negotiations this year have been challenging. Canada Life’s original position included an increase to the Short-Term Disability Plan of 42.8%. Your Trustees felt this was not justified and for the last month have been working with our Plan Administrator and Canada Life to find an acceptable solution. Following our negotiations, Canada Life agreed to reduce their initial position which has resulted in an increase to the Short-Term Disability Plan of 19%. This increase will amount to approximately $30,000 annually. Read Bulletin…


As a follow-up to bulletin No. 056 issued on November 13th, Transportation District 140 is pleased to report that the applications to the Minister of Labour for the appointment of an arbitrator had a positive impact.

Air Canada immediately engaged the IAMAW in discussion and we were able to secure two (2) additional arbitration dates for 2020, December 10th and December 21st. These much needed arbitration dates will be used to hear outstanding national grievances. The parties have agreed to Arbitrator Christine Schmidt. Read Bulletin here…